Elepants Never Forget

The Elepant is endangered! This Magnificent Animal is being slautered for Tusks;its habitat is shrinking by encraching humanity and there is lax or corrupt enforcement of animal protection laws in Many countries!

~~ save The Elephants ~~

~TLC Sigs~

The circus is coming to town!!  Maybe even to your town!  And if it is, we need your help in our campaign to end Ringling Bros.' abuse of elephants.

The ASPCA is suing Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus under the Endangered Species Act for its mistreatment of elephants.

  Ringling's elephants are oftentimes beaten or "trained" with bullhooks; they are dragged around the country in hot, fetid railroad cars; and they are kept chained for as long as 20 or more hours per day.

USDA inspectors have found baby elephants forcibly removed from their mothers long before they are weaned; in the case of two babies, USDA told Ringling this treatment caused "trauma and physical harm" and was "unnecessary."

Two former Ringling employees who had worked with the elephants were so disgusted with the mistreatment they saw that they risked everything to come forward and reveal what goes on "behind the scenes."

  Please take action now!

Please visit Circus Spotlight, a website devoted to helping you find humane family entertainment.

In addition to our lawsuit, we need people who care about animals--people like you--to do a few simple things to put an end to this cruelty. please do the following:

  • 1. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper(s) and to other media outlets in your area. 
  • 2. Tell your friends, family, and coworkers not to go to the circus!
  • 3.Encourage local merchants, such as grocery stores and radio stations, not to participate in Ringling Bros. promotions--from putting up posters to giving away free or discounted tickets.
  • 4. Contact the arena that is hosting Ringling Bros. and ask them to withdraw the invitation or, at the very least, not to invite them back next year.
  • 5. Urge your state representatives to support legislation to ban the use of elephants in circuses.  Please click on the "Take Action Now" above to lobby for this issue. 
  • People go to the circus because they love animals.  We need your help in getting out the message that by going to the circus, people are unwittingly supporting elephant abuse. 

    ~~ save The Elephants ~~

    Elephant Facts
    1.Baby elephants are calleld Calves
    2.Elepahnts live in tropical regions of Africa and Asia.
    3.Elepahants eat fruits, leaves, shoots, and tall grasses.
    4.Elephants live in groups called Herds.
    5.Elephants drink by sucking water into the trunk and squirting it into their mouth.

    ~~ save The Elephants ~~

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