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Disability Resources

Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Nova Scotia: Cape Breton Chapter

"The Spina Bifida Association of Nova Scotia (SBANS), established in 1984, is a non-profit, charitable organization affiliated with the Spina Bifida Association of Canada. The primary purpose of the Association is to enhance the quality of life for all individuals born with Spina Bifida and/or hydrocephalus, and that of their families."

The Spina Bifida Webring

"The Spina Bifida Web Ring is a collection of sites by and for anyone with an interest in spina bifida and related conditions, including hydrocephalus, lipomyelomeningocele, tethered cord syndrome, syringomyelia, Arnold Chiari malformation, anencephaly, and spina bifida occulta. The purpose of this web ring is to facilitate networking among those who have or love someone with spina bifida and to raise awareness of this disability."

Daniel's Home Page on Spina Bifida, Diabetes and More

"I am Hispanic born in Lima-Peru on September 11th., 1966, I was born with Spina Bifida. I am the fifth of 6 brothers, lived in Lima until 1982 and move to Alexandria, VA. Now I live in Woodbridge, VA about 20 minutes from Washington, DC. All of my brothers and both of my parents are here. On September 1st, 1995 I found out I was a diabetic. I am also a very sweet person and now I have the blood test to prove it." Although this is a personal page and not a Spina Bifida page per se, Daniel's Spina Bifida section has some of the finest and most comprehensive information on Spina Bifida I have seen on any site.

Spina Bifida Logo.
John's Spina Bifida Page

A Spina Bifida page belonging to John S. Sapyta. I included it here because it has an excellent chat forum.

The Disability Resource

"Whitaker & Associates is a company that provides information and resources for and about the disability industry to people with disabilities and companies that need to reach the 46 million people with disabilities nationwide. Our mission is to be the best disability information provider & facilitator in the world by aligning our goals with the thousands of organizations and associations nationwide, by devoting our resources to gathering the best information available, by developing new and innovative information/marketing vehicles and by answering the information needs of everyone with a disability."

Nova Scotia Community Organization Network

"The Community Organization Network links people in Nova Scotia with disabilities and health challenges to resources and services that promote active healthy independent living."

Concrete Change

"People who use wheelchairs, walkers and other mobility aids are blocked by steps at every entrance of a home. They’re stopped by inches from fitting through the bathroom door in a friend or relative’s home. Constructing homes without these barriers is inexpensive and easy. So why is it still happening?? . . . Here you’ll find resources to change the status quo."

Canadian Latex Allergy Association

"To be diagnosed as latex allergic is a frightening thing for most of us, and this is compounded by our isolation from each other . . . By joining our organization, you can help us gain the attention we need to demand changes that may save lives. For information about membership in the Canadian Latex Allergy Association, please contact us. All identifying personal information will be kept strictly confidential." Although Lisa does not have a latex allergy, persons with Spina Bifida often develop one without warning. I keep this site just in case.

Non-Profit Resources Catalog:  Health and Human Services

A continually updated site that links to disability resources around the web.


"Bobby is a web-based public service offered by CAST that analyzes web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities as well as their compatibility with various browsers. The analysis of accessibility is based on the working draft of the W3C's WAI Page Author guidelines with the Page Authoring Working Group's latest revisions. All pages on your web site must meet these requirements in HTML 4.0 to display the Bobby Approved icon." This site is Bobby Approved!

Quickie Designs Inc.

Quickie Designs Inc: The world's leading designer of lightweight, high performance wheelchairs. The site has full specifications and prices on every model of wheelchair currently manufactured by Quickie as well as info on the history of the company. I have this site here because my fiancée Lisa Brewer's wheelchair is a Quickie LXI.

Choices Transitional Services

"Established in 1988, CHOICES was organized to meet the growing need for services to assist developmentally disabled adults who have a desire to become more self-reliant, self-fulfilled and independent . . . The services that are provided teach and encourage independence and individual dignity and promote wholeness of life for social and physical well-being."

Enable Online Magazine

"Welcome to the Enable Magazine and the Web Site, The Official Publication of the American Association of People with Disabilities AAPD . . . Our editorial philosophy is that a disability does not define the individual, rather, it is but one of the many unique characteristics the person embodies. Every issue of Enable will feature articles aimed at providing you with the latest information about affordable quality living."

The Resource Room

"Welcome to The Resource Room, your one-stop center for resources concerning ADHD, doption, disability [and] Special Education."

Clinical Guidelines for the management of Acute Low Back Pain

"This evidence review was constructed to support the development of national clinical guidelines for the management of acute low back pain. It has been written on behalf of a multi-professional team led by the Royal College of General Practitioners and subjected to extensive external scientific review." This site is here because Lisa has considerable problems with back pain.

Wheelchair Racing Resource Page

"In my travels on the Internet, I have found that information related to the sport of wheelchair racing is rather sparse. After many hours of searching, I created these pages which I hope that you will enjoy." Lisa is not into wheelchair racing, but still I have found this site to be an excellent source of information on all forms of mobility equipment. We used this site to research wheelchair brands and models to help Lisa find the best new chair for her.

Tell Us Your Story Discussion Forum

"I've designed this discussion forum to encourage dialogue among those of us with disabilties and those without about how to cope effectively with being presumed different. This site gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts about some important issues I believe we need to talk about." I just happened to find this site while browsing, and I thought Lisa and I might find it interesting.

Special Child Magazine

"Our mission statement is as follows: To provide a form of support and entertainment on a national basis to parents of children with special needs." I put this site up as a reference for parents visiting this web site, and also as a reference for when and if Lisa and I have children of our own.

Prio Corporation

"A new kind of prescription glasses can end the pain of computer eyestrain. This site will show you how." Lisa and I use computers a lot, and I thought this site might be useful if we ever experience eye trouble.
John A. Ardelli
43 Poushay Drive
Sydney, NS B1L 1B4
(902) 562-6048

Revised: December 15, 1998.

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