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The Billy Bob Dikshunarry of Ozark Talkin'

(And it took him 40 years to come up with all this stuff too)

Watt takes ya to the horsepittle after ya got yore wagon stuck in
a ditch. Of course, it's after you awredy said, "I-awlch" and "Hayelp!"

Pre-packaged food. Lunch in it's own kettle

The study of painting

The back door of a cafeteria

What the mortician does when soimeone dies

A pair of trousers

-Caesarian Section-
A neighborhood in Rome.... Isn't it?

A pair of states in the sowth.
They's a nowth one and a sowth one.

-Cat Scan-
Lookin' fer a kitty

Made eye contact with her. Then he usually
wants to go a courtin' or a sparkin' her

Throw something lack,
"Why don't ya'll jist chunk it up here?"

The whole way; ie: He went clean through the sixth grade.

A sheep dog

Watt a boy an' a girl do when they lack each other.
They will go to a dance at Burkett's ol' barn,
or go to the Dry Goods Store and talk with their friends,
or if'n they really lack each other,
they will go a sparkin' down by Crooked Crick

Sumpin' a ol' door sounds lack if'n ya open it. It'll do it if'n ya close it too

The place where ya'll can catch a
fish or crawdads, or go a sparkin'.

To live long

What ya put in a skillet fer fryin' a possum
or ya put it in the crank-case o' yer car.

Not a friend


Contrary to popular belief, people 'round here are always
busy a fixin' things. They might say, "I'm fixin' to go to
the store." or "I'm fixin' to git me sumpin to eat."

-Full Name-
What you call the kids when you're mad at 'em

-G. I. Series-
A Soldier's Ball Game

Distinguished; well known

First half of a kids game called, "Had an' Seek"

This is watt ya haller after ya said,
"I-awlch!" when yer wagon fell into that ditch

When ya say something really loud, you haller

What rug rats do when someone utters a dirty word

You kin do this to a horse or a girl if'n ya want to marry her

The valley between two mountains

The thangs sum folks live in, what the tars done
rotted off of. They pulled it in with a big ol' truck
Some people call 'em trailors

Watt ya'll might haller if'n ya git hurt,
like when yer wagon gits stuck in a ditch

To have a 'hankerin' to do sump'n

A question 'bout supper where sumone asks, "Jeet yet?"
and sumone else will say, "Why no, Jew?"

The Answer to the question, "Jeet yet?" And sumone else says, "No, Jew?"

Able to; "Ah kin do it good as you kin"

-Labor Pain-
Getting hurt at work

Wed to another

-Medical Staff-
The doctor's cane

A higher offer

Cheaper than day rates

Was aware of....

Not Late... (Well maybe not)

The first word spoken by kids with older brothers and sisters

A cousin to Elvis

-Post Operative-
A mail man

Watt you do on a wagon or a horse when yer a-goin' somewhere

What a woman wears own her fanger when she gits married
(An ah'm not talkin' about a seagar wrapper, nether)

Correct, momentarily, or not left; "I'll be rat back"

-Recovery Room-
A place whar they do reupholstery

A Roman Emporor

Gun used fer three thangs. 1. huntin' supper
2. Protectin' yer land (mainly the still)
3. Fer arrangin' a weddin' fer hitchin' a man and woman after they wuz a sparkin'

-Show Off-
A child who is a bit smarter than yours. Usually,
the ones what are imported from somewhere's else.

Watt youngin's do when they git to courtin' too
much an' they's 'bout to set their britches on far.

A small table

The day after t'day

Round rubber thang what you put on yore car

-Terminal Illness-
Gettin' sick at the bus station

More than one

Op'zit of, "Yer out"


What you do every Saturdee ev'nin'.
If'n ya have a good dog, he kin warsh
the dishes cleanern' any thang. Jist put
a dirty dish down thar in front of him.

Not sick

A girl what got hitched. Maybe she wuz-a sparkin' an' got caught

Watt happins when a girl an' a guy really
lack each other; They git hitched in a weddin'.

-Weddin', Military-
When the girl's Pappa finds out that she's been a
sparkin'. Well there's always gonna be guns there anyway.
A Shotgun Weddin'

-Weddin', Shotgun-
When a boy an' a girl really lack each 'n' other an' begin sparkin'
A Military Weddin'

Sump'n you never see 'round here

To Go Back To Where You Came In Frum

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