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Baskets can be filled with practicly anything. They are always nice on walls. I think they add dimension to the decor.

Here is a basket I bought at a thrift store. It cost .50 cents. I simply filled it with floral moss in which I put dry flowers.

Estimated cost: $4.00

I don't know if you are like me but I have never found a unique, interesting and affordable clock.

Here is the clock we have in our kitchen. It was originally green but our kitchen is white and deep blue. I took it all apart and painted it blue and added some white details to it.

Estimated cost: $5.00



We have lots of frames on our walls but only one of them is store-bought. The others are simply pictures of people we care about, paintings I did over the years or images I created from little things found here and there. Here are a few examples of the latter ones.
Here are two pictures I created from magazine pictures. I glued the images to a piece of thick cardboard which I painted with Burnt Sienna paint. I then applied a coat of crackle medium. To finish, I applied a coat of antiquing glaze which I wiped before it dried so it would appear mostly in the cracks and not too much on the images. The frames were bought at the thrift store for $1.00 each.

Estimated cost: $6.00 for both frames

Here is another frame I did with pictures taken from a magazine. I bought this large frame at IKEA for about $8.00. It was orange, so I painted it navy blue so it would fit in with the decor of the room I put it in. I do think that the white mat is a bit dull. One day I will add a bit of colour to it to enlighten it.

Estimated cost: $10.00

Suggestion: Start stocking samples of wallpaper borders! In big home improvement stores, they give you free samples of about 12 to 24 inches of wallpaper borders. The images on the borders are very interesting and beautiful to frame. Here are two examples of some frames I created. The paper is glued to a thick cardboard with spray adhesive.
I found the frames at garage sales for about $1.00 each.

Estimated cost: $2.00 for both frames

To other examples of things to do with samples of wallpaper borders.


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