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Shanna's Greeting Cards

Do you want to send a card to a friend and just say "Hi". How about sending that significant other a card to say "I Love You". All you need to do is select "send a card" below and you are on your way to sending that someone a personalized greeting card. And the best part is, it's free. Be sure to bookmark this site to come back and send more. Now, send mom a note and let her know your alright...

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A Word of Praise

I spoke a word of praise today,
One I had no need to say.
I spoke a word of praise to one
Commending some small service done.
And in return, to my surprise,
I reaped rewards of mountain size;
For such a look of pleasure shone
Upon his face - I'll never own
A gift more beautiful to see
Than that swift smile he gave to me.
I spoke one little word of praise
And sunshine fell on both our ways.


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