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What's new at the Academy?
August 5, 2009
So my son finally got his way and had me make him a new costume for Halloween
last year. He wanted something like Anakin's with a leather tabard. I managed to
get something close for him and he really enjoyed it (as you will be able to see
from the pictures on the costumes page). I also got myself some new boots from a
place on Amazon. They are very nice and look very similar to what the Jedi in
the new trilogy wore. I am very pleased! No pictures of them as yet.
November 26, 2005
Ok...back in business, at least for a little while. After several years of being
away from the hobby, that Jerec lightsaber replica I started was staring at me
and begging for the finishing touches, so I finally did it. You can find pics of
it in the replica lightsaber page.
October 6, 2004
Can you say major site overhaul? I've done so much to change the site and
clean it up I'm not sure what all I did anymore. I've removed some stuff,
cleaned some stuff up and added new pictures of my costume and the final edition
to the replica sabers page. Removed some dead links, got rid of some pictures
and stuff that is no longer in the hopper...I think that's about it. I'm not
anticipating any further updates in the future. I don't know for sure though.
"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future..."
February 7, 2001
Added pics of my new Luke ROTJ saber to the replica lightsaber page. I have also added
a new machined lightsaber to the custom lightsaber page. I have also updated the FAQ and
the links page.
January 27, 2001
Add pics of completed Luke Skywalker Holiday Special replica saber. Also added pics of
progress on aquatabreather and Jerec lightsaber to the projects page.
November 7, 2000
Well, let's see. I have finally found and posted a picture of my wife in her costume!
I have added several items to my projects page. (I know...I need to finish one project
before starting another!) I have added a picture of my replica battle droid blaster to the
props page. My completed Qu Rahn/Kyle Katarn saber is now displayed on the replica
lightsabers page. Enjoy!
September 16, 2000
Added the photos of my completed Vader ESB lightsaber hilt and updated the Projects
page accordingly, as well as added pics of the progress on my Rahn/Katarn saber. Also
added a pic of my replica restraining bolt to the Props page.
July 31, 2000
Well, the time has come. I have added an information and image usage policy to my
site. Please read it! Added some new pattern numbers for use in
making Jedi costumes. Hope they help you out! Added a link to Online Metals, a great place
to get your tubing for that replica Graflex that you KNOW you want to build. :-)
July 1, 2000
Added photos of my completed Vader ROTJ lightsaber hilt. Updated the Projects page and
the links page.
June 6, 2000
Revamped the lightsabers section of my site by splitting out the replica lightsabers
from the custom lightsabers. Added the completed Skywalker ANH and ESB lightsabers to the
Replica Lightsaber page. Adjusted the projects in progress page to display the current
pieces for the Vader ROTJ project I am involved in.
April 16, 2000
Added pics of the finished custom blaster pistol. Also added pics of my working custom
droid caller. Both appear on the Props page. I also added a couple of new links.
April 8, 2000
Added a Projects in Progress page. Added a link to Curtis Carkoon's new web site.
Added new pictures of the fight props that I and Darth Ra will use in our movie (That
is...if it ever gets off the ground again).
March 28, 2000
Cleaned up the links page by removing bad links, updating others and adding a few.
Posted news about our movie project. Added pics of my first true replica lightsaber. I
have also added Curtis Carkoon's email address so that you may properly address questions
concerning his lightsabers to him. The great news is that with the recent purchase of a
digital camera, my updates will probably be coming more often!
October 20, 1999
Just a small addition to the props page and added a few links.
October 11, 1999
Wow! Quite a while since I last updated the page...my apologies! I have been very busy
and things have really taken off here since the release of Episode 1. I can't believe we
have passed the 25,000 hit mark! I never thought this site would be this successful in
such a short time. Anyway, this update is a big one. One of the main things is the
addition of the navigation links at the top of each page. On the lightsabers page you will
find two new lightsabers as well as updated photos of Darth Ra's completed saber. You will
find a new page for custom props. This new page will show other little projects that I
have been busy with. You will find a pair of electrobinoculars, a civilian comlink, a Jedi
comlink and Jedi food capsules. Another new addition to the site is a movie page. Yes, we
are currently in the process of making a movie. So far we have a soundtrack chosen and an
opening crawl written. Stay tuned, there is certainly more to come on this page! I have
added a few new links to some really nice sites, including a link to the site where you
can pick up some riding boots for your costumes. Again, I apologize for taking so long
with this update, and I thank you for being so patient! Enjoy!
May 22, 1999
Added an FAQ page, made some changes to the lightsaber page and
added a new link.
May 11, 1999
Added pics of Curtis Carkoon's new lightsaber as well as the construction guide for
March 9, 1999
Added a few special effect pics to the lightsabers page.
February 27, 1999
Added a link to Bubba's Barnyard of Star Wars Costumes. Also added custom figures made
by Kevin Curtis of his alter ego Curtis Carkoon and his droid R5-A2.
February 18, 1999
Added pics of Jedi Carkoon's saber, and added this what's new page.
February 11, 1999
Added more pics and a hit counter to the index page.
February 8, 1999
Site opened!