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As you can tell, this page is dedicated to Lyndsi. You're probably wondering who Lyndsi is and why I'm dedicating a whole page to her. I haven't written much about her on my previous pages. Well, that is because I've been planning on giving her an entire page.

Lyndsi is my cousin. Okay--X that. She's my FAVORITE cousin of all time. I don't know how to explain how close we are or even why we are so close. All I can say is that she's usually the only person in the world who can make me feel better when I'm down. She can always bring a smile to my face. She is just a big ray of sunshine on a rainy day.

Lyndsi is 17--she'll be 18 May 28, 2000. She's got blonde hair and blue eyes and is as funny as ... a lump on a toe.

She's got a weird family. She has 3 half sisters and a step sister. This is how it goes. My mom and Aunt Marilyn are sisters. Aunt Marilyn married Thomas and they had Staci and Natali (Lyndsi's two oldest sisters). Thomas and Aunt Marilyn got divorced and Thomas married Kathy and Aunt M. married Michael. Thomas and Kathy had Kim and Bubba, and Aunt M. and Michael had Lyndsi. Michael already had Paige from a previous marriage to Pam. Aunt M. and Michael got divorced and Michael married Sheila. Sheila already had Sara. Aunt Marilyn got remarried to Brian. But now they are divorced. It's a little confusing unless you know them. Then it's REALLY confusing!! They have a great family.

Lyndsi also has a little nephew and a little neice. He's Staci's child. Staci married Daniel and Natali married Keith. Staci's little boy is Luke. He's a little sweetheart! You can check him out, plus Staci and Natali and Kim on Natali's and Keith's Homepage. There is also a picture of Lyndsi on there, and Clay Walker. Lyndsi, Natali and Kim went to one of his concerts. Lyndsi actually took the picture of him that you see on Natali's page. Natali's little girl is Maggie. I haven't seen her yet, but Natali, Keith, and Maggie are moving back down in about two weeks! YAY!

Right after school was out, Lyndsi and I took a road trip to see Natali and Keith. They live in northeast Arkansas, but are moving back down soon! We had fun!

I thought you'd enjoy this little story. We (my family)have so many stories about Lyndsi that it could fill a whole novel, but this one is told at every family gathering.

Lyndsi used to be SO hyper when she was younger. She was diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) plus she's dyslexic. Anyway, as you probably already know, ADHD is treated with a drug called Ritalin. One day, when she was about 5 or 6 years old, Lyndsi was jumping around in her living room, jumping from sofa to love seat, over and over and over again. This guy named Eric walked in and saw what she was doing. We had all just waved it off because we knew Lyndsi! Eric screamed, "Give her some RITALIN!" Just then, Lyndsi dove straight onto Eric's chest so that he had to catch her, and while still in mid-air, Lyndsi screamed back, "The RITALIN DIDN'T WORK!!!"

Here's another story! Before Lyndsi was diagnosed with just plain old hyperactivity, Aunt Marilyn (her mother) took her to the doctor to see if Lyndsi was truly hyperactive. Dr. Russell walked into a one kid circus when he walked in the room with Lyndsi and Aunt Marilyn. Lyndsi was swinging on the door and running around the room. He took one look at her and said, "Yep, she's hyperactive, alright." He wrote that in her chart! I used to work at the clinic a few years ago, and Lyndsi wanted to see her chart, so I found it for her. He had written exactly what had happened.

Things I Love About Lyndsi


My Pages:

| My Main Page |My Photo Album | Photo Album Page Two | Funny Jokes | Hilarious Road Trips I've Been On | My Favorite Cartoons |
| Things I've Learned About Life and People | My Shrine to Lyndsi | UH OH!! NOT WAKEBOARDING!!! |

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