Jacob Piatt and Mary A Hubbell
Jacob Piatt was born February 17, 1831, in Illinois to James Andrew Piatt and Jemima Ford Piatt and died July 4, 1871 (probably in Piatt County, Illinois). Piatt County, Illinois, was named for James Andrew Piatt and was where Jacob lived most of his life.
Jacob married on March 1, 1853, (probably in Cincinnati, Ohio) to Mary A Hubbell who was born c1835 in Ohio. Six years after Jacob died, Mary married second on December 13, 1877, in Piatt County, Illinois, to Robert Harvey Benson who was born c1821 in Ohio.
The following item was written by Emma Piatt for the History of Piatt County (pg 231):
Jacob Piatt, was born Feb 17, 1831 and is recorded as the first male child born within the limits of Piatt county. His entire life was spent in the immediate vicinity of his native place. When but a boy he resolved on being a merchant and began clerking for Daniel Stickel. He went to Cincinnati for the purpose of completing his commercial education, and while there became acquainted with Mary A Hubbell, who became his wife, March 1, 1853. During the rest of his life he was a merchant in Monticello. For a number of years previous to his death he was consumptive and an intense sufferer. His death occurred July 4, 1871.
Daniel Strickle (or Strickler) was married to Jacob's older sister, Anna A Piatt. On the 1850 census they appeared as follows:
- Strickler, Daniel age 32 / born KY / M / Merchant / $3,000
- Strickler, Anna A age 26 / born IN / F
- Strickler, Chas M age 7 / born IL / M
- Strickler, Susan M age 4 / born IL / F
- Strickler, Richard P age 1 / born IL / M
- Piatt, Jacob age 19 / born IL / M / Clerk
They were enumerated #2199/2251. Living nearby were many of Jacob and Anna's siblings and their step-mother, Mahala Oxley Piatt. Their brothers were, John Piatt; James Andrew Piatt Jr and William Hart Piatt. The only sibling I do not locate is Noah Noble Piatt.
The known children of Jacob and Mary were:
- Mary Piatt b: c1857 IL (probably the Mary H Piatt who married John H Carper 06/08/1882 in Piatt Co, IL)
- Silas Hubbell Piatt b: 2 Jul 1862 Monticello, Piatt County, IL
- Jacob Piatt b: c1863 IL
There could well be children born between 1853 and 1857 who were already married and out of the house by 1880 when I found these three children living with Mary and her second husband in Sangamon, Piatt County, Illinois:
- Benson, Harvey age 59 born OH / WM / Married / Farmer / father/mother born VA
- Benson, Mary (wife) age 45 born OH / WF / Married / Keeping House / father/mother born OH
- Piatt, Mary (s-daughter) age 23 born IL / WF / Single / Cook / father/mother born OH
- Piatt, Silas (s-son) age 18 born IL / WM / Single / Farm Hand / father/mother born OH
- Piatt, Jacob (s-son) age 17 born IL / WM / Single / Farm Hand / father born IL/mother born OH
- Jamison, Susan (other) age 18 born IL / WF / Single / Cook / father born IL/mother born OH
- Benson, Harry (nephew) age 17 born OH / WM / Single / Farm Hand / father born OH/mother born PA
- McLain, Jasop (other) age 22 born OH / WM / Single / Farm Hand / father/mother born OH
- Compton, Sabation (other) age 22 born VA / WM / Single / Farm Hand / father/mother born VA
This abstract taken from familysearch.org; page 282B.
- Piatt Family Newsletter, Volume 7, 1992
- 1850 Piatt Co, IL federal census
- 1880 Piatt Co, IL federal census
- Info from Greg Nelson GNelson942@aol.com
- Marriage records of Piatt Co, IL
- Biographical sketch of Jacob Piatt
Updated Feb 2008
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