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Miscellaneous Information II

Nebraska - Nance County
From "FULLERTON'S FIRST 100 YEARS (1879-1979" PAGES 1-50 Another influx of immigration struck the reserve in 1877. In the spring of that year Clark Cooncey located his ranch on Council (end of pg 6) Creek, and Andrew Erickson squatted near the mouth of the Cedar, on the east side. In September, Frank Hodges settled on the farm just below the mouth of Timber Creek. Eric Nelson and Andrew Thompson located between Council and Plum Creeks. In October, Henry L. Vandewalker, Frank S. Gay, William Barton and Jacob Piatt, with their families, comprisingin all 16 people, settled on Timber Creek, around what was called the "big grove", being the largest body of timber in the county.
Go to Fullerton’s First 100 Years pages 1-50 on the US Genweb

New Jersey - Ship Passenger Lists New York and New Jersey (1600-1825)
"The Huguenots of Early French in New Jersey, Bloomfield, N.J., 1955 [Lancour No. 112] Albert F Koehler; Edited and indexed by Carl Boyer, 3rd
Page 231 Reune Piatt, a native of Dauphiny, France, fled to Holland and later came to America, settling at Piscataway before 1680. The N.J. Archives state that in the early deeds he is designated as "Reune Piatt, alias La Flower". Letters of administration of October 16 1705, granted to his widow, Elizabeth, give his name as Reyneer (Regnier) Peatt, alias "Le Flure" of Piscataway. His son John was of Somerset County.....

New Jersey - Middlesex County
From "The Huguenots or The Early French in New Jersey", Albert F. Koehler, reprinted for Clearfield Co., Inc., by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD 1992, p. 24-25: Reune Piatt, a native of Dauphiny, France, fled to Holland later came to America, settling at Piscataway before 1680. The New Jersey Archives state that in early deeds he is designated as "Reune Piatt, alias, La Flower." Letters of administration of October 10, 1705, granted to his widow Elizabeth give his name as Reyneer (Regnier) Peatt, alias "Le Flur" of Piscataway. His son John was of Somerset Co.

New Jersey - Somerset County - Cobbler Census 1765-1772
Somerset County Historical Quarterly Page 92-94 John Piatt's "Cobbler's Census," 1765-1772 By John J. DeMott, Metuchen, N.J. The Eighteenth century shoemaker was an important man in his neighborhood. Practically all boots and shoes were made by hand, and masters and servants, parents and children, had to be provided with new footwear as well as have old pairs mended. Now and then John Piatt went to the homes of his customers, This was apt to be the case especially in the Fall, when half a dozen pairs, or even more, might be turned out. At other times new shoes were made and old ones fixed at his home. All sorts of products were accepted on account. In fact, these payments in "kind" were much more frequent then those in cash. John Piatt was the cobbler for the Three-Mile Run district of Somerset County and the surrounding country. One of his account books, covering the period 1765-1772, is still extant. From it this "Census" has been constructed, which gives quite a full list of the families in the neighborhood in that early day. In each case names have been grouped in parentheses after the head of the family, as in the original account. Often these names are obviously of servants, and, sometimes, when only Christian names are given, they are certainly those of slaves. The names are as follows: Simon Addis (Wife; Bill, Richard, Sarah Merril, Thomas Van Duser, Abe White) // John Andrew (Mis (Mrs.?) Andrew, Betsey, Jane, John, Maka) // Malcolm Andrew // Thomas Babcock // John Bebrige (also Bebbarige) // Abraham Bennet // Cornelius Bennet (Wife; Nelly Williamson) // John Bennet (Isaac) // Cornelius Booram (Wife; Girl (may mean servant) Charity, Femmetje, Herty Booram) Toby, Annie Bennet, Esther Horn, Abram -also called Brom -Messaler // Phebe Booram // Nicholas Bordine // John Colter (Wife; Daughter; John)// Thomas Cayhod (Wife; James Cayhod, John Cayhod, Frank (also Francis), Gershom, Nancy, Thomas, Polly Whitlock)// Cornelius DeHart (Wife; Abraham, Anney DeHart, Antye DeHart, Brom, Cornelius DeHart, Giosbart, Jack, Phil, Sarah DeHart, William)// John Drake (Wife; Nicholas Boorom)// Jasper Farmer (Wife; Wife's sister; Wife's sister's child; Wench)// Peter Farmer (Wife; Son; Boys; Girl; Wench; Fite (or Tite), Jack, Polley, Jacob Suydam, The Schoolmaster, Girl who lived with him)// John Fry (Nelly, Peter, Thomas) // John Funk (Wife; Son, Daughter, Joseph) // Rem Garretson (Wife; Abe White) // Samuel Garretson (Wife; Daughter; Albert Garretson, Garret Garretson, Jeney Garretson, Peter Garretson, Elbart, Honce, Luke, Jane Voorhees, Little Samuel) // Samuel Gruendike (Wife; Daughter; Leanah Gruendike, Mary Gruendike, Jack, Jacob, Maria, Peter, Rynear, Betsey Bowman) // Hendrick Gulick // Simon Hagaman (Wife; Adrian, Antoney, John, Maria, Prince (evidently a slave), Sime) // Thomas Hatfield // Joseph Kethen // John Lite (Wife (also called Yeffrow); Maria Lite, Mary Lite, Matthew Lite, Will Lite, Bet // Cattalinah Light // Elizabeth Lite, George Lite, Grete, Harry, Honce Lite, John, Lisey, Peter Lite, Tave, Tom, His Negro, Lena Voorhees) // Elias Lovbery (Wife) // Richard Macdonald // John Manly (Wife; Anne, Betsey, Charity, Jack, Polly Manley, Richard Manley) // Cornelius Mesaler // Bety Messerol // James Obriand // Jane Patterson (John) // Abraham Piatt (Wife; Annie) // Daniel Piatt (Wife; Nancy, Richard, John Brokaw, George Van Nest) // Frances Piatt // Jacob Piatt (Dan) // Robert Piatt // Christopher Probasco (Jacob Probasco, Rynear, Betsey Bowman) // Derrick Probasco // Rynear Probasco // Sarah Probasco // Peter Pumyea (Wife; Children, Caesar, Sam) // William Runyon // George Rye (Wife; Son; Daughter; John) // George Scomp // ----- Sullivan // Humphrey Thomas (Nelley) // William Shanks (His boy; Printer; Elias, Thomas Lovebery, John Patterson, Obadiah Write) // William Sheys // Jaques Simonson // Annie Slover // Jacob Slover (Wife; Child) // John Sperling // John Sperling // John Stanley (Father; Wife; Son; Son Isaac) // William Steel (Peggy) // Frank Stryker // John Stryker // William Sutphin (Wife; Anne, Esther, Mitye, Peter) // Peter Suydam // John Van Cleef (Wife; Grety, Johanna, Maria, Rebecca)

North Carolina - Guilford County
[see Rowan County, NC]
Reference to John Pyatt’s orphans begins with land documents and deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina dated 21 May 1778. In the deed books, it isn’t until 3 December 1785, however, that John’s children are named, “Peter Jacob, Jane [or Jean] Pyatt, & Jacob Pyatt, guardian of James & Martha Pyatt “orphant” children of John Pyatt deceased. William Gowdy apparently surveyed or sold 433 acres on the waters of the Haw River for ₤0.50 to the orphans of John Pyatt. It is recorded in Book 5, p. 102 of the Guilford Co., NC, deed books.
The following names are mentioned in these Guilford Co, NC deeds: