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Art Educational Multimedia Encyclopedia. The encyclopedia includes over 1500 paintings, over 200 artists, biographies, etc. It covers Art from Prehistory to present days. Prehistoric days section includes paintings from the most famous caves - Lascaux, Valon Pont d'arc, as well as different objects and statues from Pyrenees, Willendorf, etc. Ancient art section includes 4 branches - Near East, Rome, Greece and Rome. Near East is represented by multiple objects of art from Mesopotamia and Assyria, found in Iran and Iraq. Egypt includes lots of statues, mummies, sarcophaga, frescoes and architecture monuments from the different egypt dynasties. Greece is represented mostly by its marvellous statues, and Rome by different frescoes, monuments, interiors, etc. Middle Ages section includes 3 branches - Byzantium, Islamic Art and Gothic. Plenty of architecture monuments, icons, statues and ornaments are shown here. 15-17 centuries section includes 2 branches - Renaissance and Baroque. 19th century includes Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism and Symbolism. Here the works of artists from differnet countries are presented. Each artist's biography is included as well as several of his/her most famous paintings. Art encyclopedia aims at making people acquainted with the history of art and gives you an excellent opportunity to trace its development. It is a virtual museum and here you can see different states of art from all over the world. The information given here about the historic periods and artists is your virtual guide to this museum. This encyclopedia is for all those who love art and it illustrates how the new media can show you closely to the art through the ages.


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