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[Inside Temple, Antechamber]
As your eyes adjust from the bright light outside to the dim torch light here, you notice a form in the shadows. The form steps closer towards you, and you realize it is a dark elf. Turning your attention away from him, you focus on your environment. This is a small, plain room with walls made of stone and a floor of hardened ash. Before you is a small archway which opens to a spiraling stairway that leads up and down. Behind you, above the gate you came in, there is a large map of this temple set into marble. As the torches flicker you ponder which way to go...
You also see a carved map of the temple, and a spiraling stairway.
Also here: Tarahn
Obvious paths: Up, Down

Tarahn leans toward you and, in a quiet voice, says, "I am glad to see another visitor to my newly rebuilt temple. My name is Tarahn duuk-Faendryl. This is my temple, my abode. Inside there is much information on Elanthia. Most anything you wish to know can be found within these walls. As you step into each room, feel free to look around and touch whatever you like."

Tarahn smiles, and gestures toward the spiraling stairs.

"Up will take you to my small library and the orb room. Down will lead you to the tavern. I must warn you, though, folk down there will talk until your ear bleeds, and I don't believe there are many empaths to be found here."

Tarahn chuckles.

With a wink, Tarahn says, "But if you listen well, you might learn something. If you will excuse me now, I will retire to my chambers. I have much...information to absorb..."

Tarahn winks again and then heads silently up the stairs.

Look around the room

Examine the map of the temple

Go up the stairs

Go down the stairs

Go back out the gate