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New Link(s) Added: 5/13/99

  1. Ralph's Forms, HTML & Javascript Lessons
  2. Table Maker
  3. Netscap e Colors For WebTV
  4. htmls_help's Home Page
  5. HTML For WebTV Email
  6. How To Use HTML In WebTV Email
  7. FtLonger's Heaven
  8. J Bird's Email Sig Help
  9. Cut & Paste JavaScript
  10. Sidebar Creator
  11. Net4TV ToyBox
  12. Clock Codes
  13. Jim & Dee's Planet WebTV!
  14. HTML Laboratory
  15. HTML Viewer
  16. ColorBox
  17. Magikman's Sig Helper
  18. CNET WebBuilder
  19. Newbies HTML Help

    ~ NEW 5/1/99 ~

  20. ZDNet Javascipt User
  22. Webmonkey's HTML Tutorial
  23. HTML Classes
  24. HTML Goodies
  25. Beginner 's Guide to HTML
  26. HTML Compendium
  27. HTML Help from Webdesign
  28. Tables Tutor
  29. HTML Test Bed
  30. Meta Tags
  31. Advance d HTML
  32. HTML Webopedia

    ~ NEW 5/6/99 ~

  33. Homepage Ideas & Information

    ~ NEW 5/13/99 ~

  34. String12's Toolbag