The Results of Open Mic Night
First Place-Katyleen Louis
Second Place-Annie Mitchelle
Third Place-Kat Fernfield
Other Talents
First Place-Triplets and a Cousin
Second Place-Jenna Dixon
Congratulations to all winners and participants
for doing a great job in one of the best Open Mic Nights ever!
Dixie Chick impression group singing "Earl."
Tiana singing
The Triplets and a Cousin show off their minamlisic style of music.
Jenna Dixon
DJ Thames winning the women's hearts with his poetry.
(Check the poetry section for some of his work)
Micheal Dorman.
Micheal showing off his non-talents.
Tim Hanson with some deep poetry about Princess Diana and Mother Teresa.
James Szenher
Alex Schmidt "killing the ladies" with his comical story.
Kat Fernfield with some excellent poetry.
Hunter Riley reading poetry with Sarah Cowan and Liza Murry
providing interperative dancing to the beat of Phillip Lamb on the guitar.
Allica Makia with some poetry.
Annie Mitchelle with some poetry.
Gary Emerson sharing some poetry.
Misti Mitchell with the poetry motiff.
Krisha Glass provides a break from poetry with her singing.
christopher Brown sharing a self-authored poem
Hunter Riley juggling to a lively tune from Phillip Lamb
Natasha Moore sharing poetry.
Jeremy Kinchen singing.
Melissa Hively closing the show with a song.