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Name: Xantcha DarkSphere
Real Name: Christina
Sex: Female
Birthday: December 14
Marital Status: Single now...goddamnit
Cartoon Character that would describe me: Well, uh, some people say I remind them of Daria and Mulan...I dun know if that's good er not.Oh yah, now people say I look like the chick offa Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Favorite Music Artist(s)/Band(s): 3 Doors Down, Everlast, Incubus, Blink-182, Limp Bizkit...can't remember any more right now...
Song I'd like played at my funeral: Adam's Song by Blink-182, it's depressing but cool.
Favorite Movies: The Fifth Element, The Craft, The Matrix, Pitch Black, Gladiator, Coyote Ugly...I also like Batman. I think Michael Keaton was the BEST Batman. But my fave fave movie is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Scariest Movie I've Seen: I'd have to say the newest version of House on Haunted Hill...that scared the piss outta me.
Favorite Foods: Canadian bacon/pineapple pizza, microwaveable burritos, chicken spagetti with garlic bread (YUM!), and Chinese food.
Favorite Saying: Sometimes you haveta grab the bull by the horns and twist the f*cker!
Favorite Television Shows: Xena:Warrior Princess, MadTV, SNL
Favorite Games: DragonRealms(Internet), The Sims(Computer), Final Fantasy IX(Playstation), Ultima IV: The False Prophet and Breath of Fire(SNES), Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold(Game Boy), Magic: The Gathering(Card)

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