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ATU Page

boys at the beach
This is my dad and my brother. We are at Gulf Shores. I know this isn't a ATU pic but its still a good way to start off my page. If it wasn't for my mom and dad I wouldn't be at Tech.

Softball Intermural Champions!
the guys
This is Lance Lowrey. He has been our rival since the 5th grade, but now we all are great friends.

Don't ask me what Lance is doing...

This is my sister, Jaye, and Jaye's cousin Chelsia.

This is Alex and I at the Wesley Halloween Dance.

card playing
This is Allison playing an intense card game. College is all about playing some cards!

Derek Henderson
This is Derek Henderson. He has his own band called "Crosstrails" They are AWESOME!

Keith Hudson
This is Keith Hudson. He and Derek were roommates this year. The girl in the picture is Bridget Roberts.

Ryan Davis
This is Ryan Davis. He is dressed up for Halloween. No his hair really isn't that big.

Brother Dave and Chris Platt
This is my minister Brother Dave and Chris Platt dressed like him at Halloween.

Da Men
This is Renner(right) and Brad(left) with us. They are awesome guys and great friends. We went hiking right before school let out for the summer.

This is me during the first week of college. I was apart of the hypnotism show! Pretty awesome huh?

Mission Trip
This is me at my Spring Break's Mission Trip. Isn't this dog beautiful?

This is Rachel Moore and I during dead day pre-celebration. Rachel is Lance's g/f.

I had to punish her!

This is Rachel climbing up the wall.

My turn at the big rock wall.

Here is a picture taken in the woods near my cabin @ Albert Pike.

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