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Alan's GYB Page

Arkansans for Drug Free Youth. This is the organization that I am in. It is ahead of Drug prevention over our state. It also has the Governor's Youth Board, which I am on. And yes below me is the Governor of our state. And behind me is Denise Norwood. She is over the GYB. (2000)

Governor and Me
Here is a picture of me and Governor Huckabee of Arkansas. Not long ago I got accepted to the Governor's Youth Board. (2000)

GYB group
Here are the Board members. (2000)

This is Josh Holcomb and Tobin Singleton rapping during the intro to GYC 2001!

Denise and I
Here is Denise Norwood. She was one of the main reasons the Governor's Youth Board was so great for me! (2001 GYC)

Here is Josh Holcomb and Jake Lowery. They are on the GYB this year! They are also from Murfreesboro.(2001 GYC)

the girls
These lovely women are Tori Notz, Autumn Byrd, Rami Goatcher, and Holly Burrow. (first GYB meeting)

Here is another pic of Holly Burrow. She is also on my prom page, and she is also a member of the Governor's Youth Board and she is going to the same college as me at Arkansas Tech.(prom 2001)

Justin Wise
This is Justin Wise. Someday he will be our state's governor. (1999 Jr High GYC)

small kim
This little girl here is Kim. Isn't she tiny? (2000 GYC)

Brook and I
This is Brook. She was in my family group last year and this year she was an incredible leader! (2001 GYC)

Meredith, Haley, and I
Here are Meredith, Haley, and me at the banquet! Am i lucky or what? ;) (2001 GYC)

This cool dude is Tobin! You probably saw his pic of him rapping up on top of this page. (2001 GYC)

We were zonked out..... that was during the day b/c we didn't get any sleep the night before. (first meeting on the GYB)

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