In the difficult years following Geniché's abandoment of the Earth, amongst the peoples of the world wandering lost in confusion were three tribes of the Moon's descendants. They were the Améans, descended of Adjia Luna and her Companions; the Numéans, descended of Urige, daughter of Yhera Luna; and the Galéans, descended of the Gorgonæ, the triple daughters of Djara Luna.
Ammon Agdah showed them how to survive in the harsh new wilderness that had overtaken Geniché's gardens, and then Ariahavé one by one brought the three tribes across the sea to an isle. Ariahavé taught them the arts of the world, and showed them many of her mother's secrets: beauty and magic, love and war, building and unbuilding. They built a great city on the isle, and planted great gardens in its palaces. The three tribes of the Moon named the isle Ürüne Düré (usually translated as Mountain of Thrones), and in time they were called the Düréans.
For a thousand years, Ürüne Düré was the city of the Heavens, the greatest and most beautiful city on the face of the Earth, rivaled in art and learning only by the cities of the Gola founded by Hashuwat the First King, where Daedekamani taught alchemy to his worshippers and descendants.
After a thousand years had passed since its founding, the Queens of Ürüne Düré awoke to a bleak vision: Geteema, Goddess of the Dark Earth, had looked upon Durea and had been filled with jealousy, and she was sending her children to destroy it. This came to pass, and a great army led by a great Dragon crossed the sea to destroy the isle and its defenders.
A great siege began, but the Last Queens had already foreseen their fate. In the end Geteema consumed Agdah Cosmopeiia and drove Illiki Helios back into the Heavens, and her army swept triumphant over Ürüne Düré's great walls. The Last Queens bade Achre of Palatia and Thula of Téthédré and Oloma of Sabuta to take the last of the Düréans with them across the sea, out of the doomed city. They did so and the isle crumbled into the waters. Ürüne Düré was lost forever beneath the sea, and the Düréans scattered into the world.