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Ashr’alan, Goddess of Nature and Druids
Aliases: Valaria, Great Mother
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Wild nature, forests, all elemental forces, rangers, and anything with cycles. (The seasons, the cycles of life, the cycles of the moons, ect. as opposed to just one aspect of them)
Superior None
Allies: Aurielus
Enemies: Any who promote the destruction of nature
Symbol: An aspen leaf
Worshippers Align: Any, though evil followers tend to be shunned but the primarily good flock

The Church:

(A note on Clergy: Very few of the actual clergy can usually cast spells. The average human simple doesn’t have the mental fortitude. Elven preists have a greater affinity to the spell casting ablities bestowed.) The priesthood consists mostly of druids and nature worshipping shamans.

Clerics Alignment: Neutral (any)

Turn Undead: This faith has no special power over the undead. They are outside the sphere of influence.

Dogma: Ashr’alan’s followers believe her to be the great mother, and that if all things are in balance, that she will provide.

Day-to-Day activities: It is the role of these priests to be vigilant against any forces that threaten nature and if such a thing occurs to do something about it. (For instance an over-zealous god of destruction burning down large tracts of land in an over-long summer, or a civilations starts slashing and burning)

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: The solstices and the equinoxes, events involving the sister planets

Major Centers of Worship: Elven and wild lands

Affiliated orders: None (Druids)

Priestly vestments: Greens and browns, preferablly plant, or at least natural material.

Adventuring Garb: Generally furs, feathers and green died leathers.

Weapons: clubs, staves, darts, dagger, slings, spears and scimitars. (primitive hunting weapons)

Armor: Leathers, shells, bones, woods and hides

Spell access: Mastery of Nature including Animals, Plants, Weather, all the elements and the sun. Minor access to powers over divination, gaurding and time.

Magical Items: Priests may use any priestly magical item that does not conflict with their faith.

Additional skills: Knowledge of herbs and animals as well as cooking and fishing

Other issues: Any race has the potential to become a true priest. Each and every true priest can identify plants and animals by sight alone, and determine things like poisonessness.

The Pantheon