The World of Ashr'alan is unique in that worship of ones diety reflects a faith based upon little or no evidence of godly existence. The gods of Ashr'alan rarely intervene directly or visibly before any mortals. Rarely will a mortal ever recieve a blessing of divine power bestowed upon him/her, and if one does it is seen as the ultimate sign of devotion. However, the inhabitants of Ashr'alan still vigilantly worship their gods. They feel that even they may not see, they can intuite by the world around them that Aurielus is working for Justice, or the druids of Ashr'alan can see her work in the renewal of the land. Faith is truely the hope of things to come, evidenced by things not yet seen.
Along with the acknolwedged supreme deities, there are supplicant deities as well. These lesser gods usually are worshipped alongside their greater superiors, and represent more specific beliefs.