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Uriel-The Joy-bringer, Lord of Feasts, Lord of the South Wind
aliases: Zephyrus (dwarven), Leholaelan(wood elven), sometimes Yuriel by humans
Alignment: Good
Portfolio: elves, art creativity, invention, music, poetry, procrastination, summer, joy and celebration
Superior: Aurielus
Allies: Ashr'alan, Tal'zam
Enemies: All gods of evil
Symbol: A filled chalice
Worshippers Align: Any non-evil

The Church:

(A note on Clergy: Very few of the actual clergy can usually cast spells. The average human simple doesn’t have the mental fortitude) The organized clergy is nearly non-existent, but the following is very strong, and many pay lip service to this god. His clergy is primarily elven, though no exclusively.

Clerics Alignment: Good (Chaotic)

Turn Undead: This diety has very little power over the undead, but his priests may be able to turn lesser creatures..

Dogma: Truth is beauty and beauty is truth. Love and compassion are the keys to peace. It doesn’t hurt to have the ale run freely either. Create and sing and dance and revel, bring joy to those in dispair. Never turn your back on those who need you.

Day-to-Day activities: It is the duty of the priests of Yuriel to oversee events of joy, priests tend to appear at births, weddings and balls. A party with a priest attending is sure to have the god’s blessing.

Important Ceremonies/Holy Days: Everyday is holy to these folk, every party as well. On a whole, they are too disorganized to have events of there own on a large scale. Each temple encountered (If one is lucky enough to find a temple) will be different.

Major Centers of Worship: Priests striken by wanderlust occasionally travel in packs. Other then scattered elven communities of constance, centeres of worship are erratic.

Affiliated orders: Bards pay lip service in the least to this god. An order of ‘warrior poets’…knights…are afiliated with this order. They’re training is basic bardic, but instead of magery they command priestly magic.

Priestly vestments: If loud was a color, these priests would be wearing it. People less fond of the good natured chaos this god’s following spreads would say that the only requirement for these priests is a cup in hand, soon to be emptied, of spirits.

Adventuring Garb: Priests of this deity are too varied to have a stereotype.

Weapons: These priests favor graceful weapons that require skill over brute force such as dagger, throwing knives, staves, and fencing blades.

Armor: These priests rarely wear armor, and when they do it is always lighter then chainmail

Spell access: These priests have access to spells that reveal ‘values,’ enhance creativity, promote comfort and happiness, all forms of non-violent charm and reproduce ‘party’ effects.

Magical Items: Priests may use any magical item that does not conflict with their faith.

Additional skills:All of Yuriel’s priests excel in one ‘artistic’ skill of the players choosing. They also have a choice of a knowledge of brewing, winemaking, or cooking.

Other issues: Any race (any good creature) has the potential to become a true priest. Each and every true priest can create one small inorganic object that does not contain moving parts or the like, every day (Usually used for pants, brushes, bowls or other small, simple items.)

The Pantheon