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This is my mother, She Passed away on Feburary 17, 1998.

She was 68 years of age, and a mother of 10. Six boys, and 4 girls, plus she was a wife of 35 years.

Let me tell something about this woman, She was a vary demanding in the ways things was done around her, and she always told you the truth, weather is hurt or not, but she never hid her feelings, or held back her tongue. I loved this women because she kept my feet on the ground and always made me do what was right even if i didnt want to do it. She reminded me daily that I had three wonderful children to raise no matter what happen in my life. My mom always told me that i was to much like the Johnson to give up and lay down.

The day My mother went into the hospital for the last time, I was there thinking it was just another trip to the hospital, But this time told us that our mother was very sick and she may not make it home. So I made the promise to tell my mother how much I love her and let her know that I should of made it better on her every minute she was my mother. Well she came home and we had a few wonderful months together and spent much of it sitting and watching the soaps, arguing and holding hands, She sure did love me in those last few months.

On Feb. 17,1998 I went to see my mom cause she was very sick and they had her on very strong drugs, she was just sitting there, sleeping, We sat and watched her pass away, and at that moment I had realized I would never see her again. I was so glad that her children were there with her the way she wanted it. To this day, I remember a women with lots of love to give and I now realize with my own children what she did and gave up for me was all she had.

I want to Say I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!

Randall and Dorothy Springer

These are Pauls Parents, they are wonderful parents to him, they have five (5) children 4 girls and 1 boys, whom i love very much. Gwen, Linda, Paul, Janet, Lori. I have come to love each and everyone of these people in my own special way.

But I have come to love my In laws very much since my parents death dad (sept 1,1990) and my mom (Feb 17 1998). They have stood beside me in my dakrest times and in my happest times, they have showed me how to love the lord with all my heart and all my soul.

Randall and Dorothy have done a wonderful job of raising a man who is not afraid to show his love for the lord in his life. They have been a pillar of strength for the Family and are prayer warriors for their families. We all love Randall and Dorothy very much.

I have to say that my love for Randall and Dorothy come from a deep heart felt love cause they picked up the pieces of me when I lost my parents and gave me a new mom and dad to love and not feel like I was a orphan any more, I have other brothers and sisters, but to go with out a mom or dad, it was hard,

Randall and Dorothy, this is for you from one blessed young lady whom could not love you any more then one of your own children could.

Thank you for your loving son Paul


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