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the Hallowed Shrine that is {{{{LAMBEAU}}}!!! "Start Me Up"
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The Frozen Tundra...
..that is Lambeau Field !!

** Gee Floyd,...."wonder if anybody is gonna plow today"??
** ahhh..."I dunno der hey...doze Cowboys are purty wimpy der, Ralph".."guess dey better"!!

or.....a fan who has NEVER been to Lambeau...
There is no way I can put to words the feeling that one experiences
when you walk thru the turnstyles at this "most sacred" venue in ALL of sports!
Even before you arrive at the passageway in, a walk thru the parking lot 3 hours prior to kickoff is enough to satisfy the taste of any pallet. Anticipation runs deep, as fans from around the Badger State, and the Country converge.
Once you have arrived at your seat, and you marvel at the famed "Ring of Honor",
goose bumps are raised as you recollect the great players and monumental games that took place on the gridiron below. BART STARR, RAY NITCHKE, PAUL HORNUNG, CURLEY LAMBEAU, VINCE LOMBARDI, THE ICE BOWL....need I say more!?
The Stadium OOZES   tradition, and to this day....EVERY GAME IS SOLD OUT!
The amount of time one must wait on the list for SEASON TICKETS still runs well over 25 years, and tickets continue to be "willed" to younger family members. Parents of newborns still rush to the ticket windows, to ensure their newborns' name is on the dreaded list, in hopes that one day that child, as an adult,
will be able to experience what generations before them have experienced......The "Hallowed Lambeau Field" on a cool autumn Sunday afternoon.
Yes, the current day teams have revived the WINNING TRADITION, and at least two additional players from all those teams will be, undoubtedly, added to the "Ring". (and rightly so)
But there is nothing in the world that spoils the grandour of this "sacred" place on earth, not even if they happen to lose the game!

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What is  YOUR  view???

...on the highly debated "NEW LAMBEAU FIELD" Plans???

Please take the time to post your view in the "Quizlet" provided below!

© 1997-1999 Green Bay Packers, INC.

This is a "personal" web-page!
This series of web-pages are in no way affilliated with The Green Bay Packers, INC.,
....or the NFL.
They are for personal enjoyment ONLY!!
Special Thanks to:
Original Graphics by VIKIMOUSE
for the Goal Post& G-Mail Button

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