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"A Humorous Look around the NFL...past and present!"

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Welcome to the continuing Saga . . . . .

As the League Turns !

A Humorous Look Inside The NFL
past and present

Please be patient! .Wav Files take a little bit to load..but well worth the wait!
Some of the .Wav Files below are meant to be played in proper sequence.
Follow # sequence when you see files grouped together for MAXIMUM HILARITY!!

"Just for a few Laughs...............

 CLICK to hear a Preview of what the Chicago Bears 1999 is expected to be like!

 CLICK to hear a Cheez-Head getting ready for a Road-Trip to Soldier Field!

 CLICK to hear The Commissioner prepare the Fans of Houston for the worst..

 CLICK to hear what Ron exclaimed when asked if he would miss Mike...

 CLICK to hear what Ray said to a "Bus-Riding" Announcer when he tried to get a training camp interview..

 CLICK to hear what Iron Mike yelped to reporters after the 98 Season..

The following are a few short "clips" from the broadast booth of one of those famed Monday Nite TV Broadcasts

 #1 CLICK to hear AL "snap" at his Broadcast Companions...

 #2 CLICK to hear Frank Say......

 #3 CLICK to hear Dan mutter.......

Listen now as the Dallas Cowgirl's Owner gives one of his famous pep-talks to a FORMER Head Coach!

 #1 CLICK to hear Jerry scream.......

 #2 CLICK to hear Barry babble........

 #3 CLICK to hear Dion say........

Here's the Chicago Bears Owner just before he axe's the coach...

 #1 CLICK to hear the Owner bark.......

 #2 CLICK to hear Dave explain........

 #3 CLICK to hear what the Chicagoland Media had to say......

What a FORMER Lion's Coach is up to these days...

 #1 CLICK to hear Wayne's NEW pass-time..

 #2 CLICK to hear the response Wayne gets when BEGGING for his job back....

Lets Now Join a 49er QB on the field !

 #1 CLICK to hear Steve change the play at the line of scrimage.........

 #2 CLICK to hear Jerry's reply........

Under his Guidance ? ?

 #1 CLICK to Listen to the Vikings Head Coach Tutor his Starting QB...

 #2 CLICK to hear the QB's response......


 CLICK to see one of YOUR Favorites in ACTION!

JUST FOR PACKER FANS........Desmond's Return

 #1 CLICK to hear Desmond's Glorious Super Bowl Romp!

 #2 CLICK to hear Desmond's response when asked by the PRESS if he can duplicate his efforts in 1999 ?

GET PUMPED!! an Audio/Visual Treat!

 #1 CLICK to hear the Wiesenheimer's ROCK!!

 #2 CLICK to hear the words Packer Fans like to hear!

The two Video's below require a Video Player in your computer!
If you have the time......and can view the "Pulse-Video" with QuickTime, press the "START" button to really put you in the mood for the start of the 1999 Season!
I suggest Netscape 4.6, or MSIE 5.0 to view the "Pulse-Video"!
Both Video's below will require a somewhat lengthy download time........BUT WORTH IT!

 #1 CLICK to view Lambeau on GameDay!

 #1 CLICK to view The Packer PULSE © Jumbo-Tron Intro!

© 1997-1999 Green Bay Packers, INC.

This is a "personal" web-page!
This series of web-pages are in no way affilliated with The Green Bay Packers, INC.,
....or the NFL.
They are for personal enjoyment ONLY!!
Thanks For Stopping!

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Special Thanks to:
Original Graphics by VIKIMOUSE

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