Steps To Building A Career
Food For Thought
Things To Do Today
Seven Career Builders
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"Keep away from people who try to belittle your amibitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." - Mark Twain
Just Do It!
- Laugh! Sing! Smile!
- Pretend it's Thanksgiving and give thanks for all you are blessed with!
- Take a deep breath before you speak!
- Start that dance/workout program!
- Do something you've never done before!
- Make that call you've been putting off!
- Send your resume to a casting director, agent, or theatre!
- Eat nothing but fruit all day long!
- Send a thank you note to someone you haven't thanked in a while!
- Vocalize!
- Update your resume!
- Tell your mother you love her!
- Drink 8 glasses of water!
- Take another step toward your most important goal!
- Write down what your life will be like on your Birthday 10 years from now!
- Read a book or better yet a play!
- Rent a movie musical - watch and enjoy!
- Patch up something that needs patching up - and we ain't talkin' about a leak in the kitchen plumbing!
- Seek knowledge in every situation you are blessed to experience!
- Write a poem!
- Commit to, cast and start rehearsal for a one-act play you will produce in your living room or garage 7 days from now - be sure to send free tickets/invitations to 20 or more friends - serve a pre-theatre snack. Discuss the play with your audience of frineds immediately following your garage/living-room production.
- Stop and notice nature for 10 minutes!
- Visit a retirement home or orphanage just to say hello to someone even if you don't know them!
- Listen to an audio recording of a Broadway show - pick one you never heard of!
- Have a Christmas party in June, or in September or in April!
- Surf the World Wide Web for your mother's favorite actor - learn about the actors training and career path. Then clue your mom in on what you learned!
- Do nothing for 10 minutes - shut your eyes and sit quietly - think of nothing - let your mind go!
- Purposely leave change in a vending maching change cup for the next person to find. Send your blessings to the surprise finder as you leave the money behind.
- Throw something you no loger need away! Making room for something new!