Up until a couple of years ago, I had never touched an aoustic guitar before. I was in a band that I loved very much at the time and we called it quits. Thats when I joined a punk rock band called the Spice Pistols. I joined this band for fun and to let off some steam. That didn't last long and I was once again stuck without a band.. in fact, I didn't want to have a band. So I bought my Vantage acoustic guitar.. I don't know too much about the history of this guitar. I bought it used and all I know is that it is very old and sounds very awesome. Ever since I bought this guitar I have been writing music non-stop.. dozens of songs have flowed from its hallow body under my fingers upon the fretboard.. It has brought me more musical inpiration than any other intrument I have ever owned. I have written folk, blues, rock, funk, and all kinds of songs inbetween. Hopefully soon I will be able to share all of my songs on the internet, but right now that task seems overwhelming due to the number of songs this entails. I have written beautiful love songs for my girlfriend, long epic tunes that tell great stories, even songs to accompany certain chapters of my novel, "The Grand Ordeal". This guitar goes almost everywhere with me in the summer.. Where I am taking pictures, fishing, picnicing, or at the beach, my guitar is with me most of the time. |