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Andy Leonard

Vital Stats:

Name: Andy Leonard

Sex: I would make the joke, but it hasn't helped so far. Male.

Birthdate: August 26th, 1980

Hometown: Richland, WA

Height: 6'2"

Weight:I haven't checked in the longest time...and I've lost a lot of weight in the meantime.

Other crapola I'm into: Mystery science theater 3000, Kevin Smith movies, Marx Brothers movies, The Evil Dead Trilogy.


AIM name: wholover

Zodiac Sign: Virgo. If you crack jokes, I will cry.

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brown

Favorite Colours: Um, green and purple together are really pretty.

Favorite Holiday: I dunno, come to think of it.

Music: Beatles/John Lennon, Rolling Stones, Queen (like, every album), The Who (big time as well)

Favorite Actor: Ed Norton at the moment.

Favorite Actress: Sigourney Weaver, probably.

Favorite Album/CD: ouch! hard to choose. "A night at the opera" by Queen comes to mind.

Hobbies: Um. Trying to get the perfect shave, watching my DVD copy of Andy's Midnight special, reading, drawing, studying my ass off.

What I Think of Children: I might adopt someday. I dunno. I'd make a good dad, but the resposibility scared the poo out of me.

Should you write/IM me, if you're thinking about it: Yes. Especially if you're a girl. Girls are less dumb than boys. I don't want to hear about football, beer, "the man show", or farts.
