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Here, you'll find profiles of the members of Andy Land!  If you'd like to be a member, here's what you have to do:

1) E-mail me your application (that's your profile, humor me, people).  It can include whatever info you like, and a pic if you want!  You can even send it to me in HTML format, that way you have more creative control, AND it's less work on my part.

2) Once Kate is sure that you'll make a good member, you must beat her in a wresling match (preferably mud wrestling), but don't worry, I'm not very good.

3) When you beat me, your profile can be seen up here, and if you want, the two of us can make a little bedroom bam-bam.

As a member you are required to post at Andy's Funhouse on a regular basis.

The Profiles:

Andrina Kaufman

Andy Leonard

Anthony Clifton


Callie Wilson

Don Winsor

Guy Incognito

Holly Gold

Kate Sith

Kelley Jarvis


Mary Anne

Paul Johnson

Sarah Williams

Toni Warren