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Hmmm...  I have NO idea what to write for this, so stats'll have to do.

Name:  BellaMaria  (no, not REALLY, but that's all you're getting)

Sex: ... if you can't guess from the name, already, female.  -_-;

Birthdate: May 10th, 1982

Making my age as of today (11-17-00) 18!  ^__^  whooooo!

Hometown: ...  ;_;  I miss my hometown..  *cries*   *stops*  OKay, it was
Coeur d' Alene, Idaho.  Now I live in crappy ol' New Mexico.

Height: 5'9"   The PERFECT height.  >:P

Weight: ...within normal.

Extra things about me... hmmm.  I've never seen anything with Andy on it YET.  But I WILL!  *pose*

I have my own Mailing List.  which is an RPG featuring made up characters and whatnot...    I'm currently attending NMSU. I work at Outback Steakhouse.  >.<  TOO much, mind you.  And I spend
countless hours on the comp. talking to my best friend, Kate Sith, almost the WHOLE time I'm on.  ^_^


ICQ#: 38252591

AIM name: BellaVaruka

Yahoo messenger:  monkeymouse7

hotmail messenger:  ...duh.

My webpage is anime oriented, so if you like that stuff, it's

^__^  See ya.
