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Holly Gold


Self-portraits of and by Ms. Gold.

                        Holly as Evita                                                  Self-portrait                               Holly as Norma Desmond

Name:  Holly Gold

Hair:  Shoulder-length black, with blonde bangs (The Cruella De Ville Look, only side to side, not back to front.)

Age:  27, and decreasing

Height: 5'4

Marital Status:  Married to Rex Baca, so eat your hearts out.

Hobbies:  Musical Theater, Writing, Composing, Painting, Andy Kaufman, Ancient Egypt, Performing, And Much More!

Fav. Movies:  "Sunset Blvd." by Billy Wilder and "A Face In The Crowd" by Elia Kazan.  Also, "Ace In The Hole" by Wilder.

Fav. Music:  I have a collection of about 300 soundtracks from Broadway musicals.

Fav. Food:  Chocolate, what else?
