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Paul Johnson

NAME: Paul Johnson

Birthdate: 7/2/1981

Shampoo or Conditioner:  Both (lather, rinse, & repeat)

# of Pillows: 2 (in an L-shape)

Hobbies:  Watching Movies, Playing Video Games, and surfing the net

Fav. Movies: Easy Rider, Pulp Fiction, The Rock, Die Hard (all of 'em), The Big Lebowski, and of course Andy's "Midnight Special"

Fav. Book:  "Andy Kaufman Revealed" by Bob Zmuda and "Catcher in the Rye"

Occupation:  Student at Northern Arizona University

AOL IM name: VetteWick

Social Security #: 600-23-9459

Credit Card #: 8373 2123 6494 1109
