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Art and Architecture top
Athens in the 5thc AD in relation to modern city - plan
Athenian Vases
Art and Architecture; questions and answers
J. Bulwer
Essay plan - architecture and sculpture of Periclean Athens
Temple Sculpture - compositional and other problems
R. Tatam
Hints for discussion on Vase Paintings
Development of Greek sculpture - hints for dating works
Greek Sculpture in the 5th century
Techniques of producing Hollow-cast Bronzes
Sculpture on temples (and other buildings):600-400bc
Temple of Bassae - datasheet
J. Bosworth
Athenian Gravestones
C. Scupham
Praxiteles and Lysippus; 4thC sculpture
Relief and Architectural Sculpture
Looking at Greek Vases
I. Jenkins
Vase Painting - questions
E. Lockett
Characteristics of 5thc sculpture
J. Bosworth
Painters of vases in the B M as in Woodford's "Mythology on Greek Vases" slides
Symposium  on Black Figure vases
Temple of Aphaia - summary notes of altar and temple
Greek Architecture: comprehension questions based on R.A. Tomlinson's book
D. Swift
Greek Architecture - lecture
A. Spawforth
The Symposion - notes for an essay
pdf file
Free Standing Sculpture - Notes and questions based on Susan Woodford's book
pdf file
The Labours of Heracles - reference for metopes on Temple of Zeus at Olympia
pdf file
Greek Architecture - sample examination questions
pdf file
Pots - revision notes on vases for OCR module
Greek Tragedy top

Ajax: comp'ension and essay questions

  • D. Swift

Themes in the Medea

  • O. Lahr

Notes on Ajax

  • P. Balmforth

Study questions on Ag. Electra and Philoctetes.

  • A. Chapman

Notes on Greek Tragedy

  • .

Aristotle Poetics

  • V. Howe

Summary of Aeschylus' Agamemnon

  • O. Lahr

Notes on tyrants and chorus


Themes in the Oresteia


Outlines of Tragedy


The Significance of Heracle's Bow

  • A. Clague

Notes on Philoctetes

  • P. Balmforth

Notes on Medea

  • J.H. McNee

Magic in Euripides' Medea

  • J.H. McNee

Oedipus Rex: synopsis

  • C. Scupham

Antigone: synopsis

  • C. Scupham

Study notes and questions on Euripides Electra

  • J. Thorburn

Electra - a fragmented woman

  • R. Hazel

Sophocles' Electra

  • web link

Sophocles' Electra

  • web link

Sophocles Electra - context and essay test

D. Swift

Main events in Agamemnon lines 1 – 976 and the choral ode lines 977 – 1031

B. Roden

Sympathetic characters in Hippolytus

B. Roden
 Epic - Greek and Roman top
The Aeneid part 1. adaptation for radio by Hattie Naylor
Radio 4
The Aeneid part 2. adaptation for radio by Hattie Naylor
Radio 4

Odysseus on an Iceberg

Radio 3

Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil1

Maria Wyke

Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil2

Seamus Heaney

Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil3

Charles Martindale

Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil4

Phillip Hardy

Homer's Landscapes - 1

  • Radio 3
  • .mp3

    The Iliad - 2

    Radio 3


    The Odyssey - 3

    Radio 3


    Odyssey - structural plan

    • P. Shand
    • O.Lahr
    pdf file

    Roman Civilisation - Augustan - Aeneid Overheads

    • weblink

    Res gestae divi Augusti - an introduction

    • B. Roden

    Res gestae divi Augusti - a summary

    • B. Roden

    Homer's use of similes in the Iliad - essay plan


    Patroclus and Achilles - essay plan


    Aeneid - summary


    Aeneid Book 2: 3 act summary


    Aeneid Book 3: 3 act summary


    Aeneid Book 4: 3 act summary


    Aeneid Book 11: 3 act summary

    • D. Swift

    Odysseus' and Aeneas' descent into the Underworld

    • H. McCabe.
    • E. Lockett

    Odyssey - context questions revised

    • C.L-Martin
    • V.J. Howe
    • O. Lahr

    Which of the heroes of the Iliad best embodies the 'heroic code'?

    • N. De Carteret

    Penelope in the Odyssey

    • C. Scupham

    Odyssey - revision sheet

    • J. Bosworth
    • C. Scupham
    • P.Wolstenholme
    • C. Mercer

    Essay Outlines for Greek and Roman Epic

    • P.Wolstenholme

    Guide to the Iliad

    • C. Spillane

    The Roman Odes

    • P. Balmforth

    Themes in the Odyssey

    • O. Lahr
    • J. Antrich

    Aeneas at Cumae

    • David West

    Themes, Motifs and Symbols in the Aeneid

    • David West

    The End and the Meaning of the Aeneid

    • David West 

    The Odyssey in pictures

    • D. Swift

    The gods in Aeneid Book I

    • B. Roden

    Virgil Aeneid II - summary tasks

    • B. Roden
    Satire top

    Notes on Juvenal Satire 1

    • S. Squire

    Notes on Juvenal Satire 3

    • S. Squire

    Notes on Juvenal Satire 5

    • S. Squire

    Notes on Juvenal Satire 6

    • S. Squire

    Dinner with Trimalchio - Petronius

    • S. Squire

    Features of Horatian satire

    • J. Antrich

    Roman Satire - a Study Guide

    • S. Thomas

    Use of Dinner Party theme (extract)

    • C. Bolton

    Recipe for Happiness in Satire (extract)

    • C. Bolton

    Roman Satire. sample

    • J. Brettell

    Satire - Authors

    • L. Primmer
    Comedy top
    Aristophanes - audio material

    Study q's on Knights & Assemblywomen

    • A. Chapman

    Notes on Frogs (Stanford's edition)

    • P. Balmforth

    Ass'women: questions on prologos & parodos

    • J. Antrich

    Humour in Knights

    • R. Battersby

    Aristophanes - History test

    • R. Battersby

    Knights - outline of plot

    • O. Lahr
    Latin top

    Latin_GCSE -_A_Revision_Handbook_Iraklis_Lampadariou

    Iraklis Lampadariou pdf
    Learning Latin A discussion on the best books to use - Harry Mount and Katie Walker - also available as podcast
    Five Books  
    The High Piest of Latin - Father Reginald Foster

    Glossary Of Roman Military Terms


    Aeneid Book 4 - OCR GCSE 2008, 4 passages with context questions

    D. Swift

    Aeneid Book 2 - AQA GCSE 2006, comprehension questions 2

    D. Swift

    Aeneid Book 10 translation of prescribed lines for OCR A/AS

    D. Swift

    Aeneid Book 2 translation of lines prescribed of GCSE 2005

    D. Swift

    How a criminal trial was conducted in the time of Cicero

    D. Swift

    LatinTeach Resources - articles and lesson plans


    A career in law, & procedure of a trial at Rome.

    D. James

    Horace Ode Book 1.37

    Devin Reid

    Martial - brief notes on life and career

    D. Swift

    Latin syntax - brief notes and practice questions

    D. Swift

    Read it Right! Downloadable guide to correct Latin Pronunciation

    W.B. O'Neill

    Listen to Latinv - Real Player required


    Cicero's Rhetoric - definitions, and examples of key literary devices used by Cicero

    D. Swift

    AQA Latin GCSE ; simple worksheets for use with CLC paralinguistic material

    D. Swift

    Latin handouts; handy summaries of all main grammatical features, and more

    Greek top

    Odyssey 9, Greek text of lines 231-400 - OCR GCSE prescription 2009


    Keyboard layout for Classical Greek - download the software to enable you to display and type in Classical Greek .
    Winzip or similar needed to open zipfile


    Introducing Ancient Greek - including interactive exercises, requiring Macromedia Shockwave (free download)

    O.U. weblink

    Nifty Greek handouts


    Eton College Greek Vocabulary Tester enter the site and then choose VISITORS / Eton Media/Learning Resources / Eton Greek Project from menu bar at the top of the screen.


    More useful handouts for Greek


    Zeus wants you to learn Ancient Greek. Don't make him angry!
    includes links to other web resources for learning Greek


    Listen to Ancient Greek - Real Player required


    Athenaze Greek Exercises


    Ariadne: Resources for Athenaze


    Ancient Greek Tutorials -guides to pronunciation, accentuation, verb and noun drills, vocabulary drills

    Historians top

    Livy: ab urbe condita - structure - books, coverage and survivial (books, periochae and fragments) all on one sheet


    The Researches of Herodotus

    Epigraphy top

    Roman epigraphy: modern conventions, techniques, types of inscriptions and formulae and dating of inscriptions


    Abbreviations used in Latin Inscriptions, list of the most commonly found


    Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions, a fully comprehensive, ready reference


    Roman nomenclature


    The 35 voting tribes with abbreviations

    Philosophy top

    Plato's Republic and its Context

    P. Barnett

    Plato's Republic Book 1 and its relation to rest of the Republic

    P. Barnett
    Audio top
    Borders, an Odyssey 1 Leaving | 2 The Journey | 3 The Return Frances Stonor Saunders explores borders, with the Odyssey as guide
    Radio 4


    Missing, Presumed Dead; the Odyssey part 1 | part 2 - new version of the Odyssey by Simon Armitage
    Radio 4
    Learning Latin A discussion on the best books to use - Harry Mount and Katie Walker - also available as podcast
    Five Books podcast
    Alexander In our Time Radio 4
    Radio 4
    Sappho In our Time Radio 4
    Radio 4
    The High Piest of Latin - Father Reginald Foster
    Strabo In our Time Radio 4
    Radio 4
    Spartacus In our Time Radio 4
    Radio 4
    The Phoenicians In our Time Radio 4
    Radio 4
    Agamemnon:a modern re-working of Aeschylus' play by Simon Scardifield

    Radio 3

    Libation Bearers: by Ed Hime
    Radio 3
    The Furies: by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
    Radio 3
    Plato's Symposium: In our Time Radio 4
    Pliny's Letters In our Time Radio 4
    Aristophanes: the Birds- play for radio by Martin Wade
    The Aeneid part 1. adaptation for radio by Hattie Naylor
    Radio 4
    The Aeneid part 2. adaptation for radio by Hattie Naylor
    Radio 4
    Queen Zenobia : In our Time Radio 4
    The Trojan War : In our Time Radio 4
    The Odyssey ::: In our Time Radio 4
    James Joyce's Ulysses: Bloomsday June 2012: part1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -
    Aristophanes against the World - play for radio by Martin Wade (sound quality improves after a few seconds)
    Constantine - the man who invented Christmas
    Body Bags : Simonides and epitaphs for the Fallen
    Ancient Greek: contemporary play for Radio
    Caesar! Series 1:1 Meeting at Formiae 2 The Arena 3 Peeling Figs for Julius

    Caesar! Series 2:1 The Best of Mothers 2 The Glass Ball Game 3 Citizens in a Great City

    Caesar! Series 3:1 Empress in the West 2 The Maker of all Things 3 An Empire without End
    Acropolis Now: Series 2: 1. Signs 2. Love 3. Plays 4. Sons 5. Sauce Sitcom set in Ancient Greece
    The Eternal City - words and music
    The Minoan Civilisation - In our Time Radio 4 - July 2011
    Coinage in Ancient Greece and the development of philosophical ideas the Essay on Radio June 2011 (15 mins)
    Edith Hall
    Xenophon - In our Time Radio 4 - May 2011
    Orpheus in Hades - Poetry Please Radio 4

    Aristotle's Poetics - In Our Time January 2011


    I, Claudius; part 1 - Augustus;; part 2 - Tiberius ;: part 3 - Sejanus ;


    ....part 4 - Caligula ; .part 5 - Claudius ;part 6 - Messalina

    The Great Philosophers:BBC 2 1987 : Plato; Aristotle

    Socrates against the State Radio 4 - March 1990

    Socrates, Athens and the Good Life - part 1 - part 2 -part 3 - part 4 - part 5



    Couples in the Ancient World - the Essay on Radio 3 June 2010 (15 mins)


    Pliny the Elder - In Our Time Radio 4 June 2010


    Odysseus on an Iceberg


    Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil 1

    Maria Wyke

    Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil 2

    Seamus Heaney

    Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil 3

    Charles Martindale

    Greek and Roman Voices - Virgil 4

    Phillip Hardy

    Homer's Landscapes - 1

  • Radio 3
  • .mp3

    The Iliad- 2

    Radio 3


    The Odyssey - 3

    Radio 3


    Listen to Ancient Greek - Real Player required


    Listen to Latinv - Real Player required


    The Researches of Herodotus - radio play by Tom Holland

    The Roman way - "listen again" option no longer available but still many useful featuresbut still many useful features

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