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Marital StatusNo marital status given
OccupationNew Age Guru
HometownPalo Alto, California

Castaway Quote"It's only when you let loose your fears, your inhibitions, your negative energy, that you can embrace what it truly means to be human, to be alive. I look forward to escaping the trappings of modern day society and contemplating my place in this world."

Luxury ItemHer crystals


After recovering slowly from a traumatic bee sting as a child, Molly has devoted herself to alternative medicine and allowing her mind to develop to its full potential. Recognizing the sham traditional medicine has become, she earned her degree from the Wee-Wong-Woo Institute of Healing, Meditation and Nutrition. Molly is macrobiotic and a yoga master. She looks forward to doing her morning routine on the sand.


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Website Credits:

Created and Written by: Advocate and Fanatic.
Original theme music by: Helen Simmins-McMillin
Ads by: Mau Sak
Web design by: Twin Creations

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