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If you were a castaway which luxury item would you choose?
Who will be the FIRST contestant on the Beta team to be voted OFF the island?
Who will be the FIRST contestant on the Alpha team to be voted OFF the island?
If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you miss the most?
Who would make the island's best couple?
If the government was going to spy on you, they would most likely use:
Which Castaway will most likely get an endorsement deal after the series?
Who would you like to be stranded on an island with?
Which castaway is most likely to be primary focus of Shannon's novel?
What is the most important ingredient for a successful island rendezvous?
Which castaway's secret past will be revealed in episode 9?
If you were trapped on an island paradise alone for three years, and a bottle with a genie in it washed ashore, your one wish would be for:
Which castaway would you bring home to mama if you wanted to give her a heart attack?
To successfully woo a woman, you need:
Sex on the beach is?
If you had a 'Tiffany' in your life, she would be:
The best way to end the series would be:
My favorite character of the series was:
My favorite character of the series was:
I would be interested in purchasing:

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Website Credits:

Created and Written by: Advocate and Fanatic.
Original theme music by: Helen Simmins-McMillin
Ads by: Mau Sak
Web design by: Twin Creations

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