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Photo Gallery: Romania

Bran Castle and Brasov

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The entrance to the historic castle, above, which was built in a strategic location between Wallachia and Ardeal (Transilvania), both for protection and to collect taxes from those passing through. The castle was conquered in the late 1400s by Vlad Dracula's army, and he may have lived here briefly during his occupation of Brasov. Early in our own century, It was a summer residence for King Ferdinand and Queen Marie. (Jun/July 1998)

The center courtyard looking up at the walkway and gallery, above(Jun/July 1998)

A heating stove, above. These coal stoves, covered with glazed ceramic bricks, are still in common use in the countryside, in private residences as well as in hotels and restaurants -- although most are not as ornate as this Italian-made model. (Jun/July 1998)

Here is the obligatory :-) photo, below, of the exterior of Bran Castle. Note that there is not a vampire in sight! (Jun/July 1998)

A spectacular view of the countryside and mountains along the road to Bran, above. (Jun/July 1998)

Brasov: charming and very civilized, above. It is the second-largest city in Romania, after Bucuresti. Here, a view of the "Black Church" and of the red-tiled roofs of the city. The smaller tower to the right of the church is that of the History Museum (formerly the city hall) on the town square. (Jun/July 1998)

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This page last updated 27 July 2004