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Photo Gallery: Romania

Bucovina -- Radauti and the countryside

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Talk to the hand! This unusual sculpture, top, is actually a monument to the workers who constructed the mountain highway through Bucovina. Above, a panoramic view of the valley from La Palma.  (June/July 1998)
Radauti (rah-dah-OOTS) is a charming village located in a valley not far from the Ukraine border. Bogdana Church, the oldest stone church in Bucovina, built in the 14th century, stands behind a white statue of Prince Bodgan, who built it, below.  (June/July 1998)
A view of the main commercial street, and a common sight in the countryside: a Gypsy horse cart. (June/July 1998)
For a history of the deportation of the Jews from Radauti and the Bucovina region during the Shoah, we recommend the following books:

The Holocaust in Romania: The destruction of Jews and Gypsies by the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944 by Radu Ioanid

Shattered! 50 Years of Silence: Voices of Romania and Transnistria by Felicia Steigman-Carmelly

Another good book on the subject is Jagendorf's Foundry by Siegfried Jagendorf. 

Although some of these books are no longer in print, they available at most libraries, or you can find a copy through ABE Books.


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This page last updated 27 July 2004