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(Intro: According to an old  asian tale an Emperor was so taken by the beautiful song of the  nightingale that he sent some of his soldiers to capture her and bring her to his palace where her song was to fill the palace halls with her melodious tune. However after being caught and brought to the palace the bird remained silent and would not sing until again set free……….)
They caught the bird
To silence the song
But the song could not be bound
For the song
Was the cry for freedom itself
That lives forever on
And when the bird stopped its singing
The song went on
For it had long made its home in the forest
And it sang in the hearts of those
Who had heard it in the dawn of day
And though it was quiet
In the heart of the forest
The song was resounding far away
And the quietness of the nightingale
In the cage of the king
Seemed to make it only more strong
And made the hearts in the forest
Desire it with even more longing
And the nightingale knew
That the silence of her song
Gave strength to the hearts of the forest
As their longing would grow
With each moment that passed
That left the forest silent
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