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But as you can see
There`s no liberty
When behind walls we hide
Where we will not heed
Cries of those in need
Of the hearts of the souls in the forest
And may all kings see
The only way to be
Loved by the hearts of the forest:
Let the nightingale free
And let her song be
And be close to the hearts of the forest
For cheer it brings
When the nightingale sings
Deep in the heart of the forest
Now she`s singing again
The nightingale
Down in the heart of the forest
Will her song prevail
-Song of the 'gale-
Will it bring peace to the hearts in the forest?
Oh let us listen well:
To the nightingale
And to the hearts of the souls in the forest!
-And within our hearts
We can hear it still:
It`s the Song of the Nightingale
Colin Bell
Copyright:     Colin Bell
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