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'Twas the nightingale
Though she seemed so frail
That sang to the hearts of the souls in the forest
Was the heart of the forest
For she was part of the forest
"Don`t you know I can kill
And do as I will"
The king raged inside his walls
But the 'gale kept calm
While her heart was warm
For she heard the song in the forest
As the wind was bringing
Her song - they were singing -
The hearts of the souls in the forest
And in apathy
The king let her free
Warned her not to sing to the forest
But on lives the song
Growing only more strong
As long as hearts beat in the forest
Now 'gain she was free
'Twas a jubilee
In the hearts of the souls of the forest
As they heard once again
The song of freedom and pain
That`s always been sung in the forest
Every heart wants to be
Alive and free
From fear in the midst of the forest
But now she could see
That the greatest threat
That can yet be had
To the song and the hearts in the forest
Are not cages of a king
Nor the silence they can bring
For the song will still live on
Along with the souls in the forest
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