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License agreement
License agreement


Permission is granted to the user to use the software and associated files in this package to create and render images. The use of this software for the purpose of creating images is completely free. The creator of a SPOT-file and the image created from the SPOT-file, retains all rights to the image and SPOT-file they created and may use them for any purpose commercial or non-commercial.


You must distribute a FULL PACKAGE of files. No portion of this package may be separated from the package and distributed separately other than under the conditions specified in the provisions given below.

Non-commercial distribution in which no money or compensation is charged (such as a user copying the software for a personal friend or colleague) is permitted with no other restrictions.

Teachers and educational institutions may also distribute the material to students for free or they may charge minimal copying costs if the software is to be used in a course.

Fractal Explorer is not for sale !


  Conditions for commercil bundling: 

Vendors wishing to bundle the Fractal Explorer with commercial software (including shareware) or other distribution not already described above must first obtain explicit permission from the autors.


This software is provided AS IS without any guarantees or warranty. Although the authors have attempted to find and fix any bugs in the package, they are not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the package. The authors are under no obligation to provide service, corrections, or upgrades to this package.

  Payment to autors: 

Fractal Explorer is totally freeware. But if you like this software and want to pay some money to authors you can send the check to us (USD only, please !). And make the check payable to:

    Sirotinsky Arthur
    UKRAINE, 02222, KIEV
    LAVRUHINA Str., 15/46, 293
This is also the address where you should send the check. This way will cost little money, but may be slow (up to 7-8 weeks).

It will help the authors to support this site and create new versions of the Fractal Explorer.

Thank you, friends !


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Copyright © 1999-2001
Sirotinsky A.A. and Fedorenko O.V.
Kiev, Ukraine.