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My Family

This is my family. Mom, Dad, Me, Tim, and Dustin.

These people are just about 1/4 of my family!!!! YEAH! I have a huge family that we keep intoach with!
We have tons of fun together! Some times i wish we could see more of each other!

This is me and my Dad. HA im as tall as him!!!

This is my Aunt Jen and Uncle Ryan's wedding picture. Well not "the" picture but one of many of their pictures.
Check out their website at the bottum of this page in my Favorite Links! its my aunt and uncle site!

This is Mom,Tim, and Dad. I took this picture like when i was like 8. I took it with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Camera.

The Disney Trip Of 2000

(top left) This is me, my dad, tim, uncle steven, and dusty playing in the jumping water fountains at Epcot.
(top right) Then timmy getting hit the face by it! i thought that was quite amusing!
(bottum middle)Timmy Huging his true father!

(left)My grandma Irene and Timmy having a good time. As you Can tell we had a good time! (right) Goofy is giving my Uncle Steven a Hard time!

Brent and Grandma Sharron are opening presents!!Christmas Eve.

Granny just a smiling!

Grandma is so happy about her new bath robe. LOL!

My Dad just cracking me up with his faces!!!!

Mom got her Teacher clothes!

Goodness! LOL Tim took that of me when i was opening my presents.

HA i got the same pic of tim too! lol!

Tim just being retarded!

Dustin all excited about his Harry Potter Calendar!

This is my Grandma Irene and DAD & MOM! They are just getting ready for dinner. Christmas with Dad's side for 2001.

When we get together with this side of the family we always play card games! ITS MANDITORY!!!

Don't those look good!!!??? My Grandma Irene can make the best pancakes, Waffles, and her home made Apple slices!!!MMMM GOOD!!

Dustin is making him self a snow miget! lol. winter of 2002.

Be a Bat!!! timmy!!

The Fathers Day Trip

Here we are getting ready for our trip down the river.

A picture of everyone just before we leave!

Here we all are on the river eattin somthing and fishin.

Here is Dustin and Dad fishing.

Here i'm fishing and in the back ground is Bryon trying to get Uncle Ronny's Lura out of the Tree!

I caught the littlest fish on the trip!

I also caught the biggest fish on the trip!!

The Wisconsin Vacation

This was so much fun. wish you all could have been there!!!

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<BGSOUND SRC="To_Zanarkand.mid">
"To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X the game.