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Evil Thoughts

There is evil in your eyes
There is angel in your heart
But you don't know where to start

Afraid, are you?
Keep your eyes open
'cause everytime you blink,
You're gonna miss the link
You wear those shoes
but it's no use
You still get wet from your own sweat

Devils with horns
devour roses with thorns
Nobdy can hear you scream
Everyone's in their own dream

Don't be afraid of the rain
Though it may drive you insane
He shall purge the dark sky
You don't have to ask why

Sixth Sense

it echoes in my ears
it tingles my fingertips
it cultivates my mind

it bleeds
I drop to the ground

a flash before my eyes
a throb on my face
an excruciating pain
in my heart

Excuse my lack of contents, I have lost one of my sketch books where my writings were kept.