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All attributed quotes, photography, and other copyrighted materials are held by their respective publishers. . Birds of the West Indies (1936, 1947, 1960) by James Bond This is the book which from which Fleming filched the now house hold name Bond, James Bond. The Mask Of Dimitrios 1939 by Eric Ambler Bond reads this book aboard his flight to Istanbul. Scarne On Cards 1949 by John Scarne Part of James Bond's personal library. |
.9 Special Collections THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY LIBRARIES SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Occasional Paper Number 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A fundamental element of the unfolding of human civilization has been the evolution of its written record. Through the book we are able to discern some understanding of the flowering of human progress. The Evelyn de Mille Collection on the Book and the Book Arts is a marvelous gathering of works that exemplify not only the evolution of the book as an artifact, but also the development of the intellectual life of our species. We are deeply indebted to the generous enthusiasm of Mrs. |