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Silvio had perhaps the longest career as a singer in the history of Brazilian popular music. Since his professional debut in 1927 and for the next 7 decades, he never stopped singing. Silvio Narciso do Figueiredo Caldas was born in Sao Cristovao, Rio de Janeiro, on 23 May 1908. He became a mechanic apprentice when he was only 9. He was also a first rate fisherman and a gifted cook.
Viele Barockkirchen seines Heimatstaates Minas Gerais, besonders in der Stadt Ouro Preto und im benachbarten Congonhas do Campo tragen seine Handschrift. Die sechs kleinen Kapellen unterhalb der Kirche, in denen die Stationen des Kreuzwegs dargestellt sind, stattete er mit 66 Figuren aus Zedernholz aus. Jahrhunderts wandte sich die bildende Kunst vor allem in Rio de Janeiro (seit 1763 Hauptstadt des Landes) verstaerkt weltlichen Themen zu. der Palast des Vizekoenigs und repraesentative Verwaltungsgebaeude) entstanden weltliche Bilder und Skulpturen (u. bluehte das geistige und kulturelle Leben in Rio de Janeiro auf, nicht zuletzt durch die Gruendung der Koeniglichen Presse und der Nationalbibliothek sowie durch die Ankunft einer Gruppe renommierter franzoesischer Kuenstler.
Meireles is attentive to the physical experience of making and seeing art, and also to its social use and moral valence. His works reveal broad powers of metaphor exercised in the reckoning of a postcolonial history; he addresses periods of military oppression and persecution, the effects of Brazil's struggle for cultural identity, its history of being subjected to foreign intervention and the pervasive economic and cultural influence of the United States. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1948 to a family actively concerned with the rights of the indigenous, Meireles spent his formative years in the country's interior, during the time of the creation of Brasilia. Constructivist art held special meaning for many artists in this country deeply influenced by European modernism. Clark, Oiticica and Pape formulated a culturally responsive variation of what would come to be known as Conceptual art, adopting esthetic strategies in opposition to a government that compromised free expression, a position that Meireles adopted as well.
This is the first major retrospective to cover 50 years of his work. Included are approximately 40 painted glass panels, which combine the radiance of colored glass with scenes painted in a mixture of pulverized glass and powdered metal oxides, especially copper and iron oxide, in a fluid binder. Born in Rio de Janeiro in 1948, Meireles is known for the conceptual orientation of his work. The exhibition contains many pieces of the ancient texts, which are fragments of the Hebrew Bible in several languages, as well as supportive material that places the scrolls in historical context. Organized by the Palace Arts Foundation and also presented at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.

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