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Wow...what a great site you have. I really enjoyed my visit with you...such beautiful, beautiful work...I was stunned at your talent. Your work has 'soul' in everything I viewed....and that's not something everyone can captured it. You did a great job with your site, I was very, very impressed!

You've done a brilliant life, in art, in your website....I wish I had an award for all these areas of your life....Again, congratulations!

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Dear Skyhawk..

.I have not awarded my Webmaster award to date....and my site has been running for well over eight months now...and I have walked many sites over this time....but your amazing talent and passion for your work couldn't let me give you any other...Your works are full of energy ....They show a transgression of different points in your I travelled through your gallleries, each had such a different quality from the rest...but each held the same passion for your heritage and the love for creating these pieces....Not only are you talented.....but you are compassionate....your pages for the children are beautiful and add such a tender side to your site...I thank you for the wonderful stay with you and wish you only the best....but I do believe that you are already there....Warmest Wishes
Alice Angel

"An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one."
Charles Horton Cooley, Life and the Student

Thank you, Alice Angel!!

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copyright 2001 SkyhawkFireHeart