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This is a TV show. People say their lines. And we quote them! Cool, huh?

"You don't know how much I love...that." Xena, The Price

"Know that my love for you is endless." Xena, The Rheingold

"Excuse me, have you seen Xena? She's tall ... beautiful ... piercing blue eyes ... swings a mean right hook ... looks like she may have swung it already." Gabrielle, The Black Wolf

"Well, you should hear me tell stories about you, then I really get going." Gabrielle, The Execution

"No. It belongs to me. You don't get that concept very well, do you? The whip is mine ... the frying pan is yours ... Hower is mine ... she's yours."
Minya makes a point, A Day In the Life

Xena: "You may be immortal, but I can still do damage. How would you like to spend Eternity in five pieces?"

Callisto: "Oh, Xena, how I've missed you."

A Necessary Evil

Hey, who says it just gotta be X&G for making things go subtext? Callisto is a great example of that. How we love her!

Gabrielle: "Why? Why did you leave? There are so many things I want to say to you."

Xena: "Gabrielle, you don't have to say a word."

Gabrielle: "Xena, I can't lose you again."

Xena: "Gabrielle, I'll always be here."

The Quest

Iolaus: "What would you have told her?"

Gabrielle: "I would have told her how empty my life was before she came, and all the lessons I've learned, and that I love her."

The Quest

"Xena, I know you can hear me; wherever you are... I know you always told me to be strong. But I can't be, not now. You can't leave me... I know it's not your time. I can feel it in my heart! I feel this emptiness that I have never felt before and it scares me... Above all, just remember to fight! Fight to come back! This world needs you. I need you."
Gabrielle, Destiny

"Marchesa, that asking stuff... -it works for you?"

"Every time."

*hehehe* Gabrielle answers the doge of Messini in Here she comes... miss Amphipolis

Gabrielle: "I don't have a gift for you."

Xena: "Gabrielle, you are a gift to me."

A Solstice Carol

Xena: "Where's Gabrielle?"

Callisto: "Gabrielle? Gabrielle?... Oh, well; I'm Xena now, so she's my little friend... Of course; if anything ever happened to Gabrielle, pretty Xena would be crushed, now wouldn't I?"

Intimate Stranger
*cough* Weeell..."she's MY little friend"...what could that possibly mean?...

"If anyone's listening: -you know I'm not much for praying... but I don't know what else to do. I was ready to give up once and...and Gabrielle came into my life. Please, don't let that light that shines out of her face go out. I couldn't stand the darkness that would follow..." Xena, Return of Callisto

Orpheus: "Forget the girl."

Xena: "I can't do that."

Orpheus: "I knew I never should have trusted you. Once again, you're selfish desires come first."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

"When I look at you I see the purest, the kindest person I have ever known. Someone who's full of wonder and stories, and would never give up on anything...or anyone."
Xena, Remember Nothing

"No ... no ... C'mon, Gabrielle ... C'mon ... C'mon, don't leave me ... Don't you leave me! ... Don't leave me ... Don't leave me ... Wake up ... Wake up! ... Wake up!! ..."
Xena, IsThere A Doctor In the House?

Vidalus: "I think I might follow him and see if he needs a sidekick."

Gabrielle: "You know, it's pretty good work if you can get it."

Is she insinuating something...? Heheh. From Blind Faith.

"Now, that's a sight for sore eyes." Xena, Blind Faith

Xena: "I like to be creative in a fight. It gets my juices going!"

Gabrielle: "Can we cook with your juices?"

A Day In the Life

Gabrielle: "What are you talking about?? -I was this close!"

Xena: "You were this close, because I let you get this close..."

A Day In the Life

Hower: "Let me ask you something, Gabrielle... -Does Xena ever think about settling down and getting married?"

Gabrielle: "No, she likes what I do..."

A Day In the Life

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