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from around the web.

Ties and Xena. Familiar?...

Articles -Links to articles around the web.

Music videos -Links to sites where subtext vids can be found.

Pictures -Pics of scenes as they are and some fanmade pics.

The Subber Manifesto -The old Netforum manifesto. :)

Lalala...*humming* That´s the way to do a tie!
Maybe Xena is jealous? Na. But still...there's been a HUGE amount of subtext coming from one of our favorite bitches. While Alti concentrated on Xena and using Gab against her as a weapon (did she know or what?), Callisto flirted with both the grrls in different ways. Heh! Lots of bad grrls has made life miserable for the xenatic duo. But they've also brought joy and unlimited grins to subbers everywhere.
No wonder they deserve their own section of the site:

=Enter the 'Bad Girls Section' here=

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