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M I S C E L L A N E O U S . a r t

Miscellaneous Art

Just because I could.

Arlaan - Originally created as a High One for a Wave Dancer holt I was designing, Arlaan was attributed with befriending the giant sea turtles and making them bonds for his group of elves.

Card - Just a drawing I put in a friend's birthday card.

Christine - A commision I was asked to do a few weeks ago. This is Christine, a girl I had a philosophy class with, as a fae creature.

Eosthilas Donnodelentke'stacia - If you didn't just kill yourself trying to pronounce that name, congratulations! If you know what the last name means, you too have too much free time. Eos was my character in the Shieldstone Keep and Wolfspaw Inn chat room on MSN.

Garden of Magic - This was inspired by Sarah Sanderson's song from Hocus Pocus: 'Come, little children, I'll take thee away Into a land of enchantment. Come, little children, The time's come to play Here in my garden of magic.' The two faeries here are the keepers of the garden. The one on the left is Buttercup, and the other one is Rose Hip (who also goes by the name Calyx, and is extremely adamant about the fact that not all faeries have wings - she didn't want me to give her any). The flowers in this section of the garden are phalaenopsis orchids, neapolitan cyclamens, lilies of the valley, and red/orange fritillaries.

The Island - An experiment from long ago that involved watercolors and oil pastels.

KeenEye - A character I submitted for an online holt. He was accepted, but the holt closed down before I had a chance to play him.

Elven Mage - This is what happens when you watch too much Cirque du Soleil - you wind up with mage characters based on jugglers....

Naveem the White - Naveem and her mate, Toraya, were initially created to be the bonds of Arlaan. When my plan for Deep Cove Holt fell through, I created a story, making them the last of the great sea turtles of Atlantis.

Aunt Mary's Orchids - This was created as a Christmas present for my aunt last year.

Aunt Carol's Orchids - Created for another of my aunts (the two are my mother's sisters) for Christmas last year.

Princess Amphitrite - An old character of mine that demanded a new portrait. Who am I to say no?

Rehana of the Hidden Order - She was inspired by her costume, which is based on the High / Blood Elven mages from Warcraft III.

Shandris Mooneye - Shandris is the head of the Blind Mage caste in the empire of Sengria. The Sengrens are an Elven subrace that I created for a story.

Silenthowl - Into every ElfQuest fan's life falls a character that is based in some way on themselves. Silenthowl is mine, and she is loosely based on myself - personality as well as appearance. The key word here, is loosely.

Starlight, Starbright - A sketch I did in my GE 101 English class, because, well, I was already well aware of how an adjective works.

Toraya the Silver - Naveem's mate and lifelong companion. He is the last male of the great sea turtles of Atlantis.

Wings - I did this one because she wanted to be drawn. I have no idea what her name is, as she is a very secretive creature. She does, however, take enormous pride in her wings.


Computer Art / Dungeons & Dragons Character Art / Role Play Art / School Art / Miscellaneous Art
Stories \ Poetry