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R O L E . p l a y . A R T

Role Play Art

Kinda like the Eternal Champion, I've got more incarnations than I know what to do with....

Red Coral Holt

Benti - The father of my second character, Skarloc. Benti is the tribe's story-teller. Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Contemplating - My original character Kossia, pregnant, and enjoying some nice weather. Kossia is one of the tribe's hunters.

Gentle Wave - Gentle Wave is Kossia's mother, and serves as a jewelry maker for the tribe. Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Huin profile - Kossia's father, the moody, broody, mer-elf hunter. He's a pain in the @$$, but I love him....

Huin - In all his yellow-tailed glory! Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Kossia - Kossia, as she normally looks. ...I gotta get her a new hairstyle.... Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Lost Innocense - The first picture I ever did of Huin, which really helped determine his somewhat aggressive nature.

Skarloc - My second character, and Kossia's recognized lifemate. He is another of the tribe's hunters, and excels at annoying Huin. Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Tollan - Skarloc's mother, and one of the tribe's cooks. Based on the ElfQuest RPG templates.

Hunt's Shadow Holt

Blackclaw Laughing - Blackclaw is one of my character, Redfang's aunts. She's not normally this happy looking, but I couldn't resist drawing her this way. Blackclaw is copyrighted to Trena.

Communication - My character, Redfang, and his wolf friend, Killquick. Redfang is one of the grandsons of Timmorn Yellow Eyes, first chief of the Wolf Riders (he is not now, nor will he ever be chief).

The Hunters - These are all the tribe's hunters, although only half of them are of the wolfsong. From top left, Nighteyes (Alake) is copyrighted to Nicky, Boulder is copyrighted to G.A., Blackclaw is copyrighted to Trena, Antler is copyrighted to Alysa, Naughty is copyrighted to Yve, Wildwind is copyrighted to Rochelle, Redfang is copyrighted to me, Treecat is copyrighted to Kelly, Darksky is copyrighted to Marie, and Wintermoon is copyrighted to Nicky.

Neither Here Nor There - Redfang is 5/8 wolf, and 3/8 elf (it took me ten minutes to go through his lineage and figure that out....). It's not easy being a half-breed....

Redfang: Hunter, or Mid Night Poser? - I did this to get a better idea of how Redfang's body fur was supposed to look. He's an adopted character, so I went through a few sketches trying to figure out his physical appearance.

The Ravvit Hunt - No, I did not just misspell "rabbit". That's what the critters are called in ElfQuest. This picture earned Redfang the unfortunate nickname of "Rabbit Slayer"....

Redfang - The first-ever portrait I did of Redfang. It took me a while to get him looking sufficiently scruffy.

Redfang Profile - This was done mainly because I wanted to get some use out of my graphite pencils that hadn't seen any use in about a year....

Starcrossed Plushie - This was a birthday gift for Linn, the holt mistress. Starcrossed is copyrighted to Linn.

Tranquility - Redfang relaxing and enjoying a lightning bug display.

Trouble - These two are Wintermoon and the aptly named Naughty, the holt flirts. Wintermoon is copyrighted to Nicky, and Naughty is copyrighted to Yve.

Winter - I just wanted to get an idea of what Redfang's winter clothes looked like. This was the result.

Forgotten Mists Holt

Brightmoons & Foxeyes, ala Anime - My character, Brightmoons, and her life-long friend, Foxeyes. This is in anime because all of my other art skills decided to abondon me that day. Foxeyes is copyrighted to Beth.

Brightgaze's Family - Before her soulquest, Brightmoons was known as Brightgaze. This is her family, all of whom were killed by humans when she was young.

Brightmoons - The first portrait I did of Brightmoons. She is an adopted character, as well, so once again, I was attempting to get down how she looks.

Brightmoons' Halloween Costume - This is the combined result of having a flirty, slightly off the wall character, wanting to give her a Halloween costume, and watching old Chip & Dale tapes after 2 am. You do the math. Or, go have a look at mine.

Illumination - Brightmoons is the tribe's kindler. She has firemagic (not exactly pyrokinesis, but on the same wavelength with it), and enjoys playing with the little luminescent "stars" that she makes.

Chieftess Starglint - This was for the June 2003 challenge, which was to develop wither through writings or drawings, the members of the chief's line. From left, this is Chieftess Starglint, her brother, Broadbelt, and his lifemate, Softsong. All three are copyrighted to Yve and FMH.

Come Up and See Me Sometime.... - Brightmoons, up a tree, and being her usual, flirty self.

Tumble's Bracelet - In her spare time, Brightmoons enjoys making small trinkets and jewelry with the help of her fire magic. Trance asked her to make a bracelet for Tumble, and this was the result.


Computer Art / Dungeons & Dragons Character Art / Role Play Art / School Art / Miscellaneous Art
Stories \ Poetry