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School Art

They made me do it, I swear!

Alocasius Amazonica - From Fundamentals of Drawing, this was an assignment to draw an object using only contour lines. Say hello to my houseplant.

Effects of Color - An assignment from Color Theory wherein we were supposed to design a square using only geometric shapes, select a base color (blue, in this case), and then color it using 4 different techniques. From top left, free choice, complimentary color, monochromatic, and analogous.

Minoan Dolphins - This is actually one of my favorite pieces. For my History of Westen Art I class, we were supposed to pick any for of art from prehistoric to renaissance, and base some piece of art on it. I chose the Dolphin Fresco at Knossos, Minoa as my inspiration. The forms are all the same as the original fresco, however, this is rendered in metallic figure paints on a piece of 14"x17" bristol board.

Expressive Color - Another Color Theory assignment. This time, we were supposed to pick 4 words, and using imagery and color, express the word. From top left, growth, creativity, spy, and passion.

Freedom of Speech - This is from my Advanced Image Manipulation class. We were all assigned a topic "ripped from the headlines", and using Photoshop and Illustrator, we were supposed to express the topic without text. Mine was freedom of speech.

Altered Headshot - This was one of the last assignments from Fundamentals of Design & Composition. We were supposed to take a headshot, xerox it at a bung of different brightnesses and sizes, whack it apart, and change the message of it. When I started, it was a picture of a cure little girl in a parka. Now, my mother claims it gives her nightmares. ...Mission accomplished.

Interior Design Ad - Another Advanced Image Manipulation project. This was actually a group project, wherein we were supposed to design a three ad, integrated campaign for our school. This is my ad, for the Interior Design Major. I drew the floorplan out by hand, then traced and colored it in Illustrator.

Color Modulation - And we're back to Color Theory! This time around, we were supposed to divide he squares up into vertical lines, and then use color to delineate them. From top left, complimentary color, foreground/background color, analogous color through 4 hues, and analogous color through 3 hues.

Motifs - Back to Fundamentals of Design & Composition. In this project, we were supposed to take one shape and use it in 4 different motifs. From top left, pattern, motion, emphasis, and positive/negative.

Nature Study - Have I mentioned that I like a lot of my Color Theory projects? In this, we were supposed to take an image from nature (plants, animals, etc.), select a square area of it, and re-render it in two different color themes. This is a portion of a flying fox (a large bat), rendered in two monochromatic schemes.

Emotional Portrait - This is from Image Manipulation (not Advanced Img. Manip., but its prereq). The goal here was to take a picture of yourself, make a unique path from a pre-existing font for your name, and then try to convey a mood or emotion. The emotion I was going for was mystery.

Shoes - A still life of shoes from Fundamentals of Drawing.

Expressing Sound 01 - Another assignment from Fundamentals of Design & Composition. The objective of this project was to listen to either a sound or an instrumentals only intro to a song, and then draw the sound. I drew the intro to Suckerface by Orgy.

Expressing Sound 02 - Very like the previous project, only this was from Color Theory. and this time we were given specific things to listen to. The top strip is Slide by Fluke, and the bottom strip is of some Tibetan bells.

Squares - This Fundamentals of Design & Composition piece was sort of challenging, because we were supposed to draw a 3"x3" square without actually drawing a square.

Emulating an Artist - Yet another Color Theory project. Here, we were supposed to pick one artist from a list of five, then pick anyone famous, and render a picture in their style. I chose to do Andy Warhol. The one to the left is more his color pallet, while the one on the right is more mine. The woman in the picture is Free Dominguez of The Kidney Thieves.

Twix Wrappers - The final project from Color Theory. We were supposed to take a candy bar wrapper and redesign it for different events. Most people went for holidays, but I'm unconventional. There's a story behind the third wrapper, but I don't have enough space to go into it....


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