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"What do you mean, 'the pen is mightier than the sword'? If you give one guy a pen, and the other guy a sword, and tell them to fight, I'm pretty sure the guy with the pen's gonna lose."

The Battle of Sunday - This was a project for my Creative Writing class in high school, wherein we were supposed to write a play, and then submit it to the Pegasus Playwright's competition. This didn't make it past the first round of cuts, but...meh.

The Confession Tape of Andrew Crichton - I had a Creative Writing project due, and a U.S. History teacher whom I abhorred. What's a girl to do? Create an angsty teen to off a history teacher who bears a lot of resemblance to her own, of course.

The Confession Tape of Rhonda Miles - I wrote this about a year after Andrew's tape. It was inspired by a certain high school girl on a bus who was talking in that annoying valley girl / uphill sort of way, and was oh-so-proud of the fact that she and her boyfriend had been going out for two months (and who seemed genuinely amazed at how long a period of time it was).

Confinement - Short stories like this are the result of being too stressed out, and then having your parental units harp on and on at you about insignificant things.

The Demon King - Based on W. A. Mozart's Die Erlking.

Freaks - This is actually an essay from my GE101 English class during my first quarter at college. Don't let the word "essay" scare you off, though - it's informal.

The Living Elements - I wrote this for Naveem and Toraya when their backgrounds as the first turtle bonds of Deep Cove Holt fell apart.

Memories - Another essay from GE101.

National Give It Up Day - This is only a fragment of an assignment. As our final project in Creative Writing, we were split into three groups, and told to write a Saturday Night Live script. This is my group's "holiday" piece, born from the question "What would people do if there was a national holiday dedicated to sex?" (Oh, yes...we were perverts....). The majority of things in here were inside jokes instigated by Ben & Dwight, however, the memory of performing this skit still makes me smile....

Runaway - This was the first assignment I had in my Creative Writing class. We were given a list of topics concerning "going back to school", from which we could select and write about in any form we chose. I picked stress, and a fantasy short story. This was published in The Acorn, and in Tech Prep.


Computer Art / Dungeons & Dragons Character Art / Role Play Art / School Art / Miscellaneous Art
Stories \ Poetry